The Armenian Genocide of 1915 was the terribly savage maltreatment of the Armenian people by the Ottoman empire and the latter CUP. The armenian people were unjustly exploited at the time when the world was upheaved in chaos due to world war one. The Ottoman empire which was once diverse with it’s multi ethnic and religious population was replaced by a nation state ideology fronted by the desire to obtain a monoethnic and mono-religious society. The new government in power known as the Committee
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Post-Revolutionary War, the newly independent America faced a monetary debt crisis and economic hardship. The post war depression lasted from 1784-1787. The country was governed by Congress—which was governed by the Articles of Confederation, which provided a weak central government without very much power. Thousands of soldiers were killed in the war, homes and farms had been destroyed, commerce was failing, and personal debt was on the rise. The states had no higher federal authority to turn to
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Wrongfully Convicted Community Corrections April 16th, 2014 Early English customs condemned as felonies seven offenses: Mayhem, Homicide, Rape, Larceny, Burglary, Arson, and Robbery. All other offenses were misdemeanors. Criminal Law forces us to confront the most important moral dilemmas of our time. There are many factors to the word innocent. We are taught to believe that what we see or hear is the truth. But what if, what we were told to believe as the truth is a lie. An implication
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Task: P8 & P9 Presenting information on how the media presents information on Uniformed Public service. (UPS) The police of the UPS are a section that has a very close relationship to the public via their line of work, this relationship is in the public eye by consistently being reported on by the media. The media can present this information in a number of ways, online newspapers and news channels for example will use a combination of text and video to get the information across, this information
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Chapter 4 Rapprochement and Normalization United States during the 1960’s • Vietnam war- US involvement in the War took place from 1965-1975 with over 536,100 troops stationed overseas. The Results of this war was withdrawal of American forces from Indochina and a Communist takeover of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. • Tet Offensive- Attacks that began on Vietnamese New Year 1968 that targeted military and civilians throughout South Vietnam. This was the turning point of the war and lead public
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Harney is where the whole incident is taking place. At once a peaceful protest in the county of Harney, turned into an armed occupation. Their goal of the protest was to free ranchers Dwight and Steve Hammond, who were both found guilty of committing arson due to setting a fire on federal land. In the act of what was a peaceful protest, the militia has taken control over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to send the government a bigger message. No one was hurt from them taking over the refuge and they
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Incidents of Organized Crime Abstract Domestic and international crimes have great impacts politically, socially, and economically. Various criminals who organize crimes have different reasons behind. For the Black Liberation Army, they are after social justice and equality due to the rampant police brutality directed to the Blacks. To the Russian Mafias, there is a need to generate money and make more profit through the illegal activities they undertake even if it means that they have to rob
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under-represented due to the limited methods of collecting juvenile crime data. Juvenile arrests accounted for 16 percent of all violent crime arrests (i.e. murder, rape, assault) and 26 percent of all property crime arrests (i.e. burglary, theft, arson) (Puzzanchera, 2009). Other crimes for which juveniles are arrested include simple assault, vandalism, gambling, disorderly conduct, weapons possession, illicit drug/liquor violation (including DUI) and prostitution. It is important to note that a
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reliably compared to others. These crimes are mostly reported directly to the police and not the separate agencies which do not contribute to the UCR program. These crimes include; forcible rape, aggravated assault, criminal homicide, forcible sex, arson, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and larceny-theft (FBI, 2004). The part 2 offences comprises of less serious crimes which are either reported directly to the police or through the separate agencies. Only the arrest data is collected and reported to
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According to New York Post “In August, an inmate serving 15-45 years for manslaughter, burglary and attempted arson beat a correction sergeant so badly that he was hospitalized with two broken ribs and a punctured lung. In September, an inmate doing 15-to-life for murder and robbery assaulted two correction officers after they tried to break up a fight he was having
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