What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is an organic molecule part of the classification of biomolecules known as lipids. It is a sterol, or steroid alcohol, that is extremely important as it is a major structural component of the cell membrane in animal cells and also a precursor for the production of steroid hormones (oestrogen and testosterone), bile salts, bile acids and vitamin D. Cholesterol is a waxy substance with the chemical formula C27H46O, it consists of three 6-memebered rings and one 5-membered
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Case Study Two: HTN, CKD, & Hypothyroidism Managing Co-Morbidities in Primary Care Primary care providers treat many patients with co-morbidities. It is important for primary care providers to utilize the most current evidence-based research and guidelines to treat and manage patients with co-morbidities in order to reduce risk factors and improve overall health. The following case study will be utilized to apply current guidelines for the treatment and management of hypertension (HTN)
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father when he had the heart attack. L.G. also states he has a family history of atherosclerosis. L.G. denies any other significant family medical history. L.G. denies illicit drug use and also denies alcohol use. L.G. denies any allergies to any medications, foods, or environmental factors. Past Medical History L.G. has a past medical history of hypertension, congestive heart failure, renal artery stenosis, atherosclerosis of the coronary artery, myocardial infarction x 4, Type 2 DM, permanent atrial
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The lining of the nose contains many tiny blood vessels that lie close to the surface and are easily damaged. Nosebleeds come in two types: Anterior nosebleeds, which make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds and are the most common. The bleeding usually comes from a blood vessel at the very front part of the nose. Anterior nosebleeds are usually easy to control, either by measures that can be performed at home or by a doctor. There are also posterior nosebleeds, which are much less common. These types
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Topic: Nutrition Limited Topic: Health problems caused by poor nutrition. Thesis: Some health problems caused by poor nutrition include cancer, diabetes, weight issues, kwashiorkor, cardiovascular diseases and anaemia. Combined Outline: I. Introduction II. Cancer A. Foods that accelerate cancer. B. Foods that help prevent cancer. III. Diabetes IV. Weight issues A. People who are overweight suffer from obesity because of too much intake food. B. People suffer from anorexia because of lack
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Wound Management 1 What is a wound? A wound is defined as the disruption of the normal anatomical structure and function of tissue. Or it could be described more simply as any physical injury involving a break in the skin. A partial thickness injury would be one that is limited to the epidermis and superficially the dermis. There is no damage to the dermal blood vessels. A full thickness injury incorporates damage to the epidermis and
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INTRODUCTION * Cholesterol is the major sterol in the animal tissues. * Cholesterol is present in tissues and in plasma either as free cholesterol or as a storage form, combined with a long-chain fatty acid as cholesteryl ester. * In plasma, both forms are transported in lipoproteins * Plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the vehicle of uptake of cholesterol and cholesteryl ester into many tissues. * Free cholesterol is removed from tissues by plasma high-density lipoprotein
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PUBLIC SPEAKING(UHL 4012)2011/2012 Semester I | Exercising is part of a healthy lifestyle | PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE | | | PREPARED BY: STI FAIRUN ANNISHA BINTI HASSAN KE10064 SECTION 3 01 NOVEMBER 2011 PREPARED FOR: Madam Ainol Haryati Ibrahim, Associate Professor Center of Modern Languages and Human Sciences. Title: Exercising is part of a healthy lifestyle. General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to do some exercising. Central
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(AN-jee-oh-PLAS-tee) -plasty (process of reshaping by surgery) Anticoagulant anti- (against) coagul/o- (clotting) -ant (pertaining to) Arteriography arteri/o- (artery) (ar-TEER-ee-AW-graph-fee) -graphy (process of recording) Atherosclerosis ather/o- (soft, fatty substance) (ATH-eh-roh-skleh-ROH-sis) scler/o- (hard) -osis (condition; abnormal condition; process) Bruit (harsh, rush sound made by blood passing thru (BROO-ee) a narrowed artery) Cardiovascular
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The physiological and social effects that a myocardial infarction can have on a patient can be very debilitating not only for the patient but for the caretaker as well. Having a heart attack is very scary for both patient as well as the patient's entire family. The patient can suffer from depression. “Having a heart attack can be frightening and traumatic, and it is common to have feelings of anxiety afterwards. For many people, the emotional stresses can cause them to feel depressed and tearful”
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