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    Biomes: A Short Story

    Today was another average day. I heard that it was hot and dry today, but that didn’t effect me, because I was in the soil, where it was damp and cool. I’m never really affected by the weather and climate, so I am fine with being in many biomes. Of course, I wouldn’t last long in a desert, but to this Mediterranean climate, I can surely survive. A few days ago, I’ve hooked onto Bob’s roots. We have become such good friends! Our relationship is mutualistic, because I receive the nutrients that Bob

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    Ocean Biome Research Paper

    Eyleen Carrillo Biome Description The Ocean biome is made up of saltwater due to the rocks in the land that get dragged. The Ocean biome is one of the largest biomes in the world, since the Ocean covers about 71% of Earth. Since it is the largest biome in the world, you can conclude that it also has a large population of organisms in its biome. The Oceanic biome is divided into three vertical zones which is the euphotic zone, that is the region that light is more exposed, the other one is the disphotic

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    Taga Biome Research Paper

    The biome I chose was the taiga because it’s cold and it’s very interesting. The animal I chose with in that biome is one the most amazing animals ever which is the Elk. I chose elk because it’s a type of breed of deer but it’s most intriguing from my personal perspective. The Elks biomes climate is mainly intense cold, especially during the winter in a taiga climate, but it can get moderately warm during summer. The taiga’s climate is found usually in Northern Hemisphere area such as North America

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  • Premium Essay

    Biome Desert Research Paper

    The semi arid desert is an interesting biome that has a lot of traits that make it unique. It looks like a bare and lifeless place but that's not the case at all. The semi arid desert is hot and dry with little rain during the winter. During the summer it gets extremely hot days. “The heat peak to extremes during the daytime because there are little clouds to shield the desert from the sun's rays.”(“Desert Biomes.” World Biomes-Desert, , Feb. 2017,

    Words: 373 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    Tundra Biome Research Paper

    rays to penetrate the Tundra Biome. The rays given off by the Sun produce heat waves that impact ice-covered areas, but the Tundra is also covered by a blanket of Carbon, which is integrated with the thawing ice, and is eventually released. Carbon increases the temperature, leading to more ice melting and excessive carbon is released once more, beginning a cycle that will never end until the Tundra Biome is melted away into a Grassland. The condition of the Tundra Biome is an unwelcoming landscape

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  • Premium Essay

    Taiga Biome Research Paper

    The taiga biome goes by many different names, including the boreal forest and coniferous forest. The taiga has short summers, with an average of fifty seven degrees Fahrenheit and fourteen degrees Celsius. Winters are cold and snowy in the forests, with the average temperature at about fourteen degrees Fahrenheit or negative ten degrees Celsius. These coniferous forests are most often and abundantly found near the top of the world, just under the main tundra biome. Taigas span across Eurasia and

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  • Premium Essay

    Desert Biome Research Paper

    Kailey Newsome Biome Paper Desert Biome The desert biome has an interesting ecosystem if I can say that because few plants and animals or living things can survive such harsh climate. About twenty percent of the earth can fall into desert category (bioexpedition). The reason for this is there are four major types of deserts that people either encounter, visit or read about those include Hot and Dry, Semiarid deserts, Costal deserts and Cold deserts. Hot and Dry Desert: There are four major Hot

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  • Premium Essay

    Desert Biome Research Paper

    Nathan gonzalez Desert Biome A desert is very hot and barely gets any rain.In the summer the tempature reaches up to 50 and 70F.Every year there is less than 250mm of water from the clouds.In the winter desert it could still be very hot but not like the summer.Deserts filled with sand. Locations,Deserts are almost all over the world.The world is getting hotter and hotter as the sun grows soon there will be

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  • Premium Essay

    How Do Biomes Change The Evolution Of Species

    There is one reason that I believe that the species have changed over the years. I think that the different biomes changes each organism. Each organism lives in a slightly different environment making them evolve. Species 2 lives in a forest where their webbed feet allow them to climb up trees to catch their food. Species 3 lives in a swamp and that evolved them to have a full shell around them to protect them from fish. Their sharp claws also allow them to catch onto small fish to eat. Species

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  • Free Essay

    There Has Been Debate over the Present Day Characteristics of Biomes of Tropical Regions. for Some, They Are Seen as a Natural Response to the Climate of the Area, Whereas for Others They Are Regarded as a Product of

    There has been debate over the present day characteristics of biomes of tropical regions. For some, they are seen as a natural response to the climate of the area, whereas for others they are regarded as a product of human interference. Discuss the statement in the context of the tropical biome you have studied. [40] A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and

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