campo realizadas pela cidade de São Paulo, com consumidores e varejistas, que possibilitaram ao grupo uma ideia sobre qual a situação da empresa e do mercado em geral. O terceiro relatório, o mais longo, possibilitou uma análise profunda sobre os 4P´s de marketing da Biocolor (Produto, Preço, Praça e Promoção), além das fraquezas e oportunidades da empresa. Essa análise, possibilitou ao grupo pensar em sugestões mais concretas para
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FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT – LOCATION ATTRACTIVENESS FOR RETAILING FIRMS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION1 Pervez N. Ghauri Manchester School of Management, UMIST United Kingdom Email: Ulf Elg Dep. of Business Administration, School of Economics and Mgmt, Lund University, Sweden Email: Rudolf R. Sinkovics Manchester School of Management, UMIST United Kingdom Email: 1 The authors would like to thank Handelsbanken’s Research Foundations
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GRH intro : qu'est ce que la GRH ? 4 thèmes: -GRH & changement -GRH & internationalisation -GRH & restructuration Important d'aller sur mycourse (surtout syllabus avec le plan et des ouvrages et un article pour chaque thématique) Définition a tiroir Management du capital humain (quoi?) Dans des organisations diverses (où?) Au moyen d'activités (comment?) Et par des acteurs (qui?) Pour atteindre des buts stratégiques (pourquoi?) En se focalisant à la fois sur le présent et
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au devenit piețe intens căutate de marile companii, în scopul dezvoltării unei rețele de distribuție. Lucrarea de fața are ca obiectiv propunerea unei strategii de distribuție internațională pentru firma Romstal Imex S.R.L. Această propunere s-a realizat în contextul extinderii firmei pe piața Poloniei. Metodele utilizate sunt reprezentate de studierea strategiilor de distribuție la nivel internațional prin revizia literaturii de specialitate și de elaborarea unui studiu de caz pentru
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Acknowledgements : First of all we would like to introduce our selfs, BIALLACH Safae and EL YOUNSI nahide, a 3rd year students in SUP DE CO MARRAKECH. In the third year the internship is a part of the program at our school. But for the two of us, we didn’t do an internship because we shose to go for a summer school programme in LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM for two weeks at the LONDON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE (LSBF). The objectives during this journey were to improve our level in English
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Online Supermarkets: Emerging Strategies And Business Models In The UK Irene Yousept, Feng Li University of Newcastle upon Tyne Business School, United Kingdom, Feng.Li@nc, Abstract The Internet has facilitated the emergence of new strategies and business models in several industries. In the UK, significant changes are happening in supermarket retailing with the introduction of online shopping, especially in terms of channel development and coordination, business
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PART ONE This paper will focus on two aspects of my life that I am very passionate about - my ongoing pursuit of higher education and my work in the humanitarian sector. I have focused on these two areas because becoming a superstar takes more than a diploma (White, 21). It requires the merger of knowledge and action. Abu Bakr, the first Muslim Caliph, is credited with saying “without knowledge, action is useless and knowledge without action is futile”. I believe that combining knowledge and action
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Economics for Everyone: Going Global–FDI Fables–FDI in Multibrand Retail......................................................... 2 Special report - Business in India: Inbound and outbound deals: Their oyste ....................................................... 12 Growing confidence dented by politicians .............................................................................................................. 16 BEST CROSS - BORDER M&A DEAL .................................................
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simulation Study Pilkington Library Main Issuing Desk Abstract: This paper investigates the activity of the main issuing desk at the 3rd floor of Pilkington Library during weekdays between 5 and 6pm. The aim is to find ways of minimizing queuing times and respond to flexibility in demand. Two sets of data have been analysed and transposed into a simulation study using the Simul8 software package. The results of the simulation are presented in support of our optimization proposals. Introduction With
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Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Seminario de Dirección Multinacional y Estrategia Corporativa. Primer Examen en Equipo. Caso DELL. Profesor: Dr. Gaspar Sánchez Sánchez Mejorada. Creado por: Osvelia Guerrero Pérez A00348824 Felipe Peralta Ortega A00349034 Blanca Becerra A01064099 Norma Ríos López A01064367
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