White-Collar Crime SOCI 225 Instructor: John Casey Student: Date: April 14, 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 3 What is White-collar Crime? 3 Workplace Safety 4 Fraud 6 Sentencing 9 Conclusion 10 Endnotes 11 Introduction Crime is such a general word, and describes a whole conundrum of activities that are seen as unlawful. The oxford dictionary defines crime as “an action of omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law”. There are many different types
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AMADEUS SELLING PLATFORM (AMADEUS VISTA): Amadeus Selling Platform (Vista) offers you a graphical interface to the Amadeus system making it easier for you to sell travel, increase your productivity and focus on delivering great customer service. Designed using the latest web technology, the intuitive graphical interface enables both new and expert users to make the most out of the Amadeus system. Amadeus Vista has been recently renamed Amadeus Selling Platform. All users of version 2.3P200
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Internal reports are used for management decisions and tax reports for taxing purposes. Reason why separate reports are maintained for the same set of information covered depends on the intention of the preparer and the one that uses it. Transparency of reporting, high ethical standards of the people involved and a robust process to is required to ensure integrity of records. Ethics on Maintaining Two Separate Books for Internal and Tax Reporting In business, it has been an accepted practice
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The Fair Tax Act of 2013 is an alternative tax plan introduced Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga) to the Senate Finance Committee on January 23, 2013. Subsequently Senate bill S. 122 and House bill H.R.25 were written. The Congressional findings of the 113th Congress in regards to the Federal income tax, which prompted the introduction of this alternative tax plan, found that the present systems of federal taxation retards economic growth thus reducing the living standards of the United States citizens
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Moise saidkov Term paper Business law Historically, embezzlement became a crime because thefts were occurring in which the elements of larceny could not be met because the thief had the right to possess the funds; thus, the prosecution could not prove the element of a “trespassory taking.” Meanwhile, proving embezzlement only requires showing either that the employee had possession of the goods or funds because of the employee’s position or that the employee had the authority to exercise
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Case study 4: Ryanair and the revolution in low-cost air travel The low-cost airline, pioneered by Southwest Airlines in the US, offers the passenger a ‘no-frills’ service at a lower price than the traditional service with food and entertainment which has been the mainstay of the major airline companies. The two companies which have developed the low-cost model most successfully in Europe have been easyJet and Ryanair. Both have enjoyed phenomenal growth, building market share at the expense of
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Assignment Mr. Kirby, In regards to your concerns with paying sales taxes, there are some details to the tax matter that may be of interest to you. Understandably, having to pay sales tax is bothersome. Included in my email are different areas that sales tax contributes to our community and state that may change your mind once you have reviewed the information. Amongst the contributions of sales tax should that should be included are, water purification, maintence of parks, educational funding, salary
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advertising investment, brand strength in the sector, brand image and pre-tax earnings, noted Salinas, G. (2011). In order to compose brand quality factor, we should utilize such elements as sales, net operating margin and perspectives of brand development. This factor together with other factors creates the adjustment factor as a multiple for pre-tax earnings. Finally, the brand's economic equity is equal to the product of the average pre-tax revenue and the adjustment factor, stated Salinas (2011). As any
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To be tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operate exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3). Earnings may not be received by any private shareholder or individual. The organization may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity against political candidates. The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) are charitable, religious, educational
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Legal Forms of Business Sole proprietorship The sole proprietorship is the oldest, most common, and simplest form of the business. Also known as a sole trader, is a type of business form that is owned and manage by one person and in which there is no legal difference between the owner and the business. The owner receives all profits and has full responsibility for all losses and debts. The proprietor owns every asset of the business and all the business liabilities are the proprietor’s. A sole
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