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    Final English Paper

    This year, in my English 1302 class, I have learned writing skills that I will utilize for the rest of my college career. Communication through text is a critical skill of modern day society and should rightfully take place as required curricula. I have grown through my efforts as a writer and my increasingly practical knowledge of essay construction, source integration as well as an understanding of the importance of this course. In my post-diagnostic examination, I received 56 out of 74. This

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    Carol Berkenkotter's Analysis

    In high school, she was told that her papers must have three specific points to be sufficient. Then in college, her professor made the same claim, which solidified this lesson. Although many of the papers I have written have had a structure with three main points, I have never considered three points a requirement. She became so consumed with this rule that she forced an illogical paragraph into her paper solely to meet her "point quota". Although I cannot relate to Laurel's

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  • Premium Essay

    Reflection on Writing

    for me to explain my thoughts and put them onto paper. Now, it is still difficult but it has somehow gotten easier for me to brainstorm and once I’m done putting my ideas on paper I have the chance to revise everything and make sure people can understand what I am trying to say through my writing. During the drafting process of all three class papers I have tried different ways of brainstorming. I tried outlining and organizing what I wanted my paper to be like, I tried writing my body paragraphs

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    Internship Report at Packages Limited

    with Tetra Pak International in Tetra Pak Pakistan Limited to manufacture paperboard for liquid food packaging and to market Tetra Pak packaging equipment. Packages commissioned its own paper mill with a production capacity of 24,000 tonnes in 1968. The mill produces paper and paperboard based on waste paper and agricultural by-products like wheat straw and river grass. With growing demand the capacity was increased periodically and in 2003 was nearly 100,000 tonnes per year. In the beginning

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    Feasibility Study on Recycling

    that Mr. Lyons gave more in-depth details about recycling as oppose to Yorel’s hands on experience. The planning stage is fundamental they both said. The planning and motivating stages enhances succeed. With their advice and research, we decided that paper, computer/computer parts, and ink/toner cartridge are the items we will start collecting. Mr. John James, our new CEO, wants to quickly implement a recycling program to show corporate responsibility like other corporations. After we inform you

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  • Premium Essay

    They Say I Say Essay

    readers. Of course, the revisions given by my professor and classmates lead me to go on the right track of narrating the “They Say” and the “I Say” about whether or not to use technology. I decided to choose 2H and 3B to be included in my portfolio. First, even though the benefits of technologies are argumentative, I was amused that some of the authors proclaimed that technologies should not be used. People like me have abundant products which are made by technology around them. Ironically, the majority

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    was when I used to like writing. I wrote a short 7 page paper in 8th grade for a project. I liked horror and gore so I wrote a horror story about a scarecrow at an abandoned house. Yes I know there was already some published but I was unique about my story. I was so well written my teacher gave my story to the board of education. Then the board gave it to a real publisher! My paper wasn't that good though but I at least get to say my paper was read by a real novelist. My worst story I wrote was

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  • Premium Essay

    Your "Writer" Life

    place for me to write anything would be during late at night when everything is quiet around me. I'm usually in my bedroom sitting right where my computer is when I am writing. I hate writing anything with a pen and a paper. If the essay, report, or anything else, doesn’t have to be on paper, I type it on my computer. I type faster than writing by hand. I cannot have any distractions around me. Sometimes the internet on my computer has to be disabled or else I would be tempted to browse online or facebooking

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  • Premium Essay

    My Personal Writing Process

    So there is a paper that needs to be written. Odds are that the topic of the said paper is going to be one that not many people are interested in. Which is why it is up to YOU my fine samaritan, to rescue the world of essays and entertain the masses by turning boring subjects such as, “The pros and cons of using double-ply toilet paper,” into extraordinary tales of epic proportion! Then maybe you can throw in some of those boring facts here and there. Regardless of what toiletries you indulge in

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    Lteracy Narrative

    to excel in my studies and achieve a life of prosperity and success. Learning became the basic foundation of my growth. Therefore, my youth was overtaken by many hours spent reading and writing what was known to be correct "Standard" English. I first found this to be a great shortcoming, but I knew that one day I wanted to have a great career. At this time I had no idea what I was going to become but trough reading and writing I had a few ideas. One idea was to be a truck driver or a pharmacist

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