Hardware And Software

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    Nt1410 Module 1 Exercise 1

    between the following elements: computer hardware, system software, operating system, application software, and end users. Write few lines to describe this diagram. Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard disk drive (HDD), graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard, and so on. The OS and other software can’t be used without hardware. Operating System is a software program that acts as an interface between

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    Itsc 2439 Ch.1-12 Study Guides

    early computers was to replace as much manual processing of business information as possible with automated processing. 4. Among the reasons for the growth in decentralized computing was the availability of inexpensive personal computer hardware and productivity software. 5. The applications development backlog was due to the inability of computer professionals to design and write programs fast enough to keep up with the demand for new applications. 6. All knowledge workers are computer professionals

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  • Premium Essay

    Mis, Inforamation Systems for Business

    1. List 3 examples of input hardware. Input hardware devices are the mouse, keyboard, and document scanners. 2. List 3 examples of output hardware Some examples of output hardware consists of video displays, printers, and audio speakers. 3. List 2 types of processing devices Processing devices include the central processing unit (CPU) and Main Memory. 4. List 3 types of storage devices. Three types of storage devices are magnetic disk, magnetic tape, and optical disk. 5. What is a bit and

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  • Premium Essay

    Operating Systems

    Input and Output Devices An operating system is the core software component on a computer. Without an operating system, your computer would pretty much be useless. Except maybe for use as an extra-large paper weight! But really, it is the main interface, managing the computer’s hardware and software resources on the system. In a desktop computer, these resources include such things as the processor, memory (RAM), graphics card, audio card, hard disk or SS drive, ect. On a cell phone, they

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  • Premium Essay

    Bus210 Appendix E

    Associate Level Material Appendix E Hardware/Software Components In your own words, describe the following hardware/software components |Legacy systems |Legacy systems are the existing information technology systems which include all | | |hardware and software that a company uses. These systems are kept up and upgraded by a| | |company’s CIO. The bigger IT companies

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  • Premium Essay

    Using Linux

    computer consists of physical components and logical components. The logical components of a computer that understand how to work with the physical components are referred to as: a. hardware b. records c. software d. processors Answer: c 2. The operating system software is necessary for a computer to function. True or False? Answer: True 3. Linux is a ___________ and ___________ operating system. a. production, stable b. multiuser

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    computer consists of physical components and logical components. The logical components of a computer that understand how to work with the physical components are referred to as: a. hardware b. records c. software d. processors Answer: c 2. The operating system software is necessary for a computer to function. True or False? Answer: True 3. Linux is a ___________ and ___________ operating system. a. production, stable b. multiuser

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  • Premium Essay

    Stakeholder's Guide

    In every business project there must be a stakeholder map. This map is a guideline for those that are involved with a project and what each person responsibilities are within the project. In having a well thought out stakeholder map is the most important thing for a project manager; it allows them to keep update on important information in regards to the concerns for project (Robertson & Robertson, 2004). These guideline allows the project manager to use each team member to their fullest abilities

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  • Premium Essay

    Cis Final Project

    components of hardware and software that are used to accumulate, filter, develop, create, and deliver information. There are four main components of an information system: hardware, software, data, and communication. Hardware is the part of the information system that a person can touch- the tangible modules of the equipment. Items such as computers, keyboards, flash drives, mobile phones, and tablets are all considered hardware. Software is the set of instructions that directs the hardware on what to

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  • Premium Essay


    source versus proprietary hardware and software.  Provide examples to illustrate Proprietary hardware is controlled by the proprietor, often under patent or Trade-secret protection. Any software which places restrictions on use, analysis, modification or distribution can be termed proprietary. Most of the early computer hardware was designed as proprietary until the 1980s when IMB PC changed this model. The existing 3D systems used proprietary hardware and software. So Pettis, Mayer and Smith

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