Overview I first did my project over Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. The thesis is Schlosser speculates that the fast food corporations around the nation have a direct correlation with Americans being consumed by fast food and overall having poor health. Schlosser also talks about the impact fast food has on Americans as a society by pointing out some interesting facts, such as Americans spend more money on fast food than higher education which I personally find very alarming. The book is split into
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right track, but in my opinion a more holistic approach is needed for true heath. To be healthy is not just to be free of disease. While the model described in Era II recognizes that the brain does have an effect on our health, it does not take nutritional, sexual, or spiritual health into consideration. 3. I do my best to be mindful in all aspects of my nursing practice. Being distracted has the potential to cause fatal errors, not advocate for the patient properly, and most importantly appear
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set of rules, beliefs, and values to lAccording to Stanhope and Lancaster (2012) States that, a family nursing assessment, identifies family problem areas and from strengths that help to build interventions, so as to promote and maintain good health. Assessment of the Family: The family that I choose to conduct an assessment consists of a family of four (4), Two (2) adults and two (2) children ranging from age five through nine. J.H Sr. age a forty (40) doting father and husband solely
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Community Health Nursing C229 WGU Community Health C229 One of the more serious problems that the Southeast Queens Community is facing is obesity. Obesity has led to many other health concerns in this community such as Type 2 diabetes , heart disease, stroke, and even certain cancers. This presentation looks into who is at risk, and why? And what can be done to help this community. B1. Description of Community The Southeast section of Queens, NY is 1.802 square miles with a
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How does Chromium affect our lives/health? Chromium is used in many ways to benefit the human life. It is used to improve blood sugar control in people with prediabetes. Although some people may think that chromium is a supplement that we take, it is already in our systems. Chromium can be found inside of our digestive systems as it help our bodies digest food. Chromium is also in many foods that we eat, for example, chromium is in meats and breads. People can take chromium tablets but since the
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denigrate what someone else was saying. In that instance, I see I should have used the word “opinion” rather than “theory.” A theory, at least in the sense I have read over the last two days, is far more than a mere opinion. “‘Theory’ is defined as: ‘A system of rules, procedures and assumptions used to produce a result’” (quoting Collings English Dictionary 10th ed. Harper Collins P. 22 May 2011). From my reading, it appears that a theory is actually the result of intense, deep and often peer-reviewed
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closer look into Mrs. Ellis, a seventy year old woman, who has recently been brought into her healthcare provider by her concerned son. I will use her provided health history and medical information to develop a care plan that fits the needs of both Mrs. Ellis and her family. My Thoughts on Diagnosis After analyzing the patient’s medical and health history, I feel she was diagnosed with many conditions. Though she had a very low score on the Geriatric Depression Scale, I feel she may suffer from depression
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part of nursing. In this profession, an individual will find that the benefits outweigh any of the challenges. A handful of nurses interviewed by Deborah D’Avolio, PhD, ACNP, ANP, an Associate Professor at Northeastern University’s Bouve College of Health Sciences School of Nursing, had made statements such as, “Although it requires commitment and dedication (and sometimes sweat and tears), nursing is one of the most rewarding professions.” D’Avolio even commented herself saying, “Nurses are helping
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with preservatives which are harmful to the health. Many people make those unhealthy choices based on their income and availability. A food policy council is an establishment of stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds such as, food producers, food processors, food distributors, consumers, farmers, wholesalers, restaurants owners, chefs, healthy eating advocates, and food security advocates to collaborate, examine and improve our food system (goodfoodla.org). Goals of food policy council
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“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art” ” Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 – 1680). Eating is necessary in order to live; but to eat with knowledge is a talent in it self. Unhealthy eating is one of the fastest growing health risks today. Obesity is a contributing factor which leads to many deadly illnesses and is spreading throughout the nation. There is a way to stop this killer and healthy eating is the cure. Healthful Eating will help one to live longer and give one the
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