Chapter 2—Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage TRUE/FALSE 1. The manufacturer of Macho brand martial arts products was implementing a strategic plan when it sponsored a local karate tournament for teenagers. ANS: F Such a short-range decision is typically a tactical plan or operating decision, not a strategic plan. PTS: 1 REF: 35 OBJ: 02-1 TYPE: App TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking | TB&E Model Strategy 2. The marketing plan is a written document that acts as a guidebook
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1. CAPITULO I. Presentación. En Tijuana, existe un gran mercado para la industria cervecera, ya que por ser frontera y una de las ciudades con mayor crecimiento cultural y económico, se presta para que los consumidores busquen algo nuevo y diferente. Una cosa que caracteriza mucho a los Tijuanenses, es el regionalismo. Si hay algo local, lo apoyaran hasta el fin, llámese equipo deportivo, programa de televisión, grupo musical o en nuestro caso la cerveza local. Este estudio se orientara al perfil
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VERSLO STRATEGIJA: atvejo analizė Vi l n i aus u n ive rs ite t as Marija Kučinskienė, Laura Žiogelytė, Gražina Jatuliavičienė VERSLO STRATEGIJA: atvejo analizė Mokomoji k nyg a Vilniaus universiteto leidykla Vi l n ius , 2 0 1 2 UDK Turinys Apsvarstė ir rekomendavo išleisti Vilniaus universiteto Ekonomikos fakulteto Verslo katedra (2011 m. protokolas Nr. 5) Įvadas 1. 2. 5 11 Verslo strategija: teorinis požiūris Praktinių situacijų vertinimas: atvejo analizė 61
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【特别关注】 郭主席用心良苦 【开利综合分析】A股市场运行总有些时候会出乎多数人意料。1月14日,相信在郭主席表态内容曝光之前,就已能预见大涨的人堪称神仙。昨天的行情是消息面和资金面一次绝佳的配合,而郭主席的相关表态也用心良苦。 说实话,本轮行情从1949点反弹到现在,真正的单日大行情也就只有4根大阳线和2根中阳线。其他时候沪指横盘整理的情况更多。但也就是上述几个交易日的力挺,让指数涨了350多点。因此,对大阳线背后的逻辑有必要进行了解。 郭主席表示,他希望QFII和RQFII的规模能够在现有基础上扩大10倍。正是此消息使原本有意休息一下的多头被注入强心剂。用一句网络流行语来说,就是瞬间“满血复活”。希望QFII规模扩大10倍的消息为何有如此大的威力?目前QFII规模为374.43亿美元,扩大10倍就将增至3744.3亿美元。如果真的QFII能达到如此规模,对A股市场的推动作用显然毋庸置疑。 然而,是否郭主席希望那么多外资进来,就真的有那么多外资可以获批进入?我想,即便这并非一厢情愿,至少这个进程不一定能很迅速。此前郭主席多次提出要引入社保资金和其他长期资金入市,此次又提到QFII大扩容,最终效果如何,只能拭目以待。
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МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ Державний вищий навчальний заклад «КИЇВСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ імені ВАДИМА ГЕТЬМАНА» Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України УДК 005.93(076.3) ББК 65.291.213я73 С 69 Колектив авторів Є. В. Прохорова, Н. М. Гаращенко, М. І. Дяченко, М. М. Марченко, О. В. Мельник, О. В. Шиманська Рецензенти В. Г. Герасимчук, д.е.н., проф. (НТУУ «Київський політехнічний інститут») Н. В. Ревуцька, к.е.н., доц. (Київський національний
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Sommaire Introduction I. Le profile sociologique de la Now Generation A. Le concept de génération B. Le portrait de la Why Generation C. La Gen Y, un concept du tribalisme D. Les pours et contre des Millennials E. Les Millennials à travers le monde II. Comment communiquer avec les Digital Natives ? A. La publicité B. Le Marketing des Psychographiques C. Le Buzz Marketing D. Le Celebrity Marketing E. Le Placement de produit III. Les canaux
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gerry JoHnson KeVan sCHoles rICHard WHIttIngton Fundamentals oF strategy ACCESS CODE INSIDE unlock valuable online learning resources Once opened this pack cannot be returned for a refund Welcome to FUNDAMENTALS OF STRATEGY Strategy is a fascinating subject. It’s about the overall direction of all kinds of organisations, from multinationals to entrepreneurial start-ups, from charities to government agencies, and many more. Strategy raises the big questions about these organisations –
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Best Global Brands 2013 Table of Contents JEZ Leadership is evolving. It must now be shared. CEOs, CMOs, and consumers all have the power to drive brand value. Brands are where business strategy meets reality. GINNI The New Rules of Brand Leadership 2 From Information to Intelligence 82 Best Global Brands 2013 Sector Leadership 86 BISH 10 Creative Leadership 70 Methodology 120 China’s New Brand Leaders 74 Contributors 126 Corporate Citizenship 2.0
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Best Global Brands 2013 Table of Contents JEZ Leadership is evolving. It must now be shared. CEOs, CMOs, and consumers all have the power to drive brand value. Brands are where business strategy meets reality. GINNI The New Rules of Brand Leadership 2 From Information to Intelligence 82 Sector Leadership Best Global Brands 2013 10 86 BISH Methodology Creative Leadership 70 120 Contributors China’s New Brand Leaders 74 126 Corporate Citizenship 2.0 78 MARK
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SIXTH EDITION STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN ACTION Mary Coulter Missouri State University Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editor in Chief: Stephanie Wall Senior Acquisitions Editor: April Cole Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Maggie Moylan Senior Marketing Manager:
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