(A) Recognising and using cohesive ties 2 Cohesion plays a central role in reading comprehension. Cohesion refers to relations of meaning that occur within a text, often resulting from the functions of conjunctions and pronouns. For example, in the following excerpt from the test passage What will we do now? the pronouns us and we refer to Jim and Ella, and enable readers to understand what Jim and Ella are saying throughout the conversation. In this way, the pronouns us and we connect a string
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占卜師 劇本 內景 傍晚 大廈的小房間 人:占卜師Samantha △圓桌上整齊的排放著精美的塔羅牌。 △房間裡非常的安靜,連一點時鐘的滴答聲都沒有。 △此時,一隻手輕輕的撫過桌上的牌組,從容不迫的樣子。 △Samantha摸著其中一張牌,翻了開來。 △逆位的世界牌。 △悄悄的看了一眼,摸著牌上的點字,Samantha閉上了雙眼。 △畫面黑,「砰」! 上片名:占卜師 內景 日 Samantha家的客廳 人:占卜師Samantha △木製的方型桌上放置著凌亂塔羅牌。 △塔羅牌的另一旁擺放著一台銀色的筆記型電腦。 △Samantha像往常一樣,拿著一杯咖啡坐在筆電前方,打開了銀幕並按下開關。 △伸手摸了摸桌上的塔羅牌,像以往一樣點進自己的部落格裡。 △Samantha原本微笑的臉龐,瞬間僵硬,眼睛睜得大大的看著螢幕。 △Samantha的眼裡充滿著不可置信,滑鼠迅速的滑動著。 △部落格裡寫滿了對Samantha占卜的不信任。 △看完了全部的留言,Samantha 背靠著椅子,閉上了雙眼,雙手撫上了她的眼簾,並嘆了口氣。 Samantha:我到底在做什麼?
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議論文的寫作教學 台中教育大學楊裕貿98.03.18(中縣大肚國小) 議論文的結構 難易指數 結構 寫法 1 一、提出論點 二、正面論據論證 三、結論(重申論點) 一、提出論點 二、直接舉例 三、結論(重申論點) 2 一、提出論點 二、正面論據論證1 三、正面論據論證2 (方法) 四、結論(重申論點) 一、提出論點 二、直接舉例1 三、直接舉例2 (方法) 四、結論(重申論點) 3 一、提出論點 二、正面論據論證 三、反面論據論證 (方法) 四、結論(重申論點) 一、提出論點 二、直接舉例1 三、直接舉例2 (方法) 四、結論(重申論點) 4 一、提出論點 二、正面論據論證 三、正面論據論證 四、提出方法 五、結論(重申論點) 一、提出論點:正→反→合(反→正→合) 二、正面論證(論據):理由→例子→小結 三、正面論證(論據):理由→例子→小結 四、提出方法:首先→其次→最後 五、重申論點:正→合 5 一、提出論點 二、正面論據論證 三、反面論據論證 四、提出方法 五、結論(重申論點) 一、提出論點:正→反→合(反→正→合)
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Lecture 1 -‐ Arithmetic Average 1. Ignores compounding; 2. Does not represent an equivalent, single quarterly rate for the year; 3. Is the best forecast of performance for the next quarter without information beyond the historical sample. -‐ Geometric Average 1. Also called a time-‐weighted average return-‐ignoring
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Le travail, la technique Spécificité du travail humain Le travail est-il une malédiction? Dans la Bible, le travail est une malédiction. Du mot latin labor, signifie travail et peine. La travail est aussi une loi (pr survivre). Aristote: toute action imposée par la nécessité est naturellement fâcheuse. Pour Kant, un monde sans travail : tout les talents seraient enfouis (ex Arcadie). Libérant l’homme du besoin, travail permet accès à la culture/plaisir. Permet de participer à une
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EFFECT OF TAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY AKOR EMMANUEL NSU/ADM//MSC/BUS/946/12/13 NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSIRTY KEFFI M.Sc Business administration emmisis2000@yahoo.com 08036200664 Abstract In the dynamics of today business world, for any organization to be successful, it depends on quality of its employees. If employees are taken good
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information regarding my strengths in where my competencies are applicable. In understanding and having knowledge of my personal competencies, I would be able to improve my critical thinking skills (Geng, 2014). Understanding critical thinking is important when trying to improve your critical thinking skills. Critical thinking deals with reflective reasoning regarding beliefs and actions makes it likely to take a situation, analyze it, gather what is essential in order to form a clear and concise
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Introduction + First and Second Question Training and development is one of the most important factors in our daily life. Many people seem to consider training as a mean to get knowledge, skills, performance and competencies. Training and development is one of the Human Resource functions. Technology develops at a fast pace, hence, organizations need to provide their employees with the right training methods to become capable of understanding and using technology. Managers should keep in mind
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IN JOB SKILLS – SITXHRM001A Case study one: ------------------------------------------------- Michael has been with Hotel Bayside for 6 months as a concierge, he has excellent communication skills with the customers, he presents himself in a professional manner at all times and shows initiative outside his job description. One of the Reception staff members is leaving to travel overseas leaving a position vacant on the front desk, Michael has expressed an interest in learning new skills, is there
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be essential for Landslide to define the goals of reliability, top-quality customer service, and high level of professionalism. They will need to manage their chauffer drivers with a competent and experienced driver that can train both in driving skills as well as etiquette. There will also need to be standards for office and phone staff to be sure the company image is reflected prior to getting into a limousine. They may be the first line of contact in the company and the frontline needs to be well
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