A disease is a condition that impairs the proper function of the body or of one of its parts. Every living thing, both plants and animals, can succumb to disease. Hundreds of different diseases exist. Each has its own particular set of symptoms and signs, clues that enable a physician to diagnose the problem. A symptom is something a patient can detect, such as fever, bleeding, or pain. A sign is something a doctor can detect, such as a swollen blood vessel or an enlarged internal body organ.
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Overview Vitamins are important organic compounds required in our diets in small amounts for growth and good health. They are usually found in foods or taken as supplements. Vitamins are not used for energy and do not serve as building blocks, but they are crucial in helping the use those nutrients that do. Surveys have found that while a majority of Americans do take vitamin supplements on a regular or occasional basis for reason of health concerns, there exists confusion about the actual purpose
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Fat and Water-Soluble Vitamins In this paper I will be identifying the types of vitamin classification such as fat-soluble and water-soluble. There are certain vitamins in each group vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and vitamin B and C are water-soluble. Within these to groups there are types of foods high in nutrient that you want to obtain to get or keep a healthy body. There is also harm that can be caused if to much fat-soluble or water-Soluble vitamins are taken. You also want to make
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Soluble vitamins Vitamins are a valuable component to a healthy diet, because our bodies cannot make them or our bodies cannot produce enough of them to provide adequate nutrition to our cells. Vitamins are essential for everyday body functions such as cell growth, blood cell production, hormone production, and metabolism. Vitamins can also affect body systems such as the reproductive system, circulatory system, and the immune system. Fat soluble vitamins consist of vitamin A, D, E, and K. These
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double arrow, left-click, hold, and drag the box to the right or left until the desired amount is reached on the measurement scale. Do not change the height of each bar. Below is an example of a Pyramid Plan result: 8oz. grains, 3 c. vegetables, 2 c. fruit, 3 c. milk, and 6.5 oz. meat and beans: 6. Go back to the calculator, select an age from 30 through 65, and enter it in the Age field. Record the age you entered in the Nutritional Needs Chart below (under the Adults heading)
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classifications of vitamins which are fat soluble and water soluble. The fat soluble is found in several different vitamins like A and E. These vitamins are can be found in fatty tissues and even the liver. They are vitamins that are not able to liquefy in water however; they are able to dissolve through a person’s fat tissues. The ability to store these vitamins does allow an individual to not have to take them on a daily basis. However, it is important to remember that taking to many vitamins can lead to
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1. Most people believe that they consume an inadequate amount of vitamins to sustain a healthy lifestyle or that ingesting an excessive sum of certain vitamins will improve their health and combat certain diseases. However, this is simply not the case. If a person eats an adequate diet, with foods rich in vitamins, which most Americans do, there is no need to take supplements or consume fortified foods. More so, some vitamins if taken in excess can actually be counterproductive and cause health
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Porridge with raisins or a bowl of cheerio’s with semi skimmed milk.With a drink of orange or apple juice (500ml). | * Calcium * Vitamin C * Protein * water | 20 minutes walking | Lunch 1:00pm | A chicken and lettuce wrap with bbq sauce or a ham and cucumber wrap.With a drink of water or apple and blackcurrant cordial(600ml). | * protein * vitamin A * water * carbohydrates | | Dinner 6:30 pm | Sausage mash and beans or sausage mash and gravy. With a drink of water or vimto
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1. Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed most to your protein intake? For combination foods, name specific ingredient(s). Example: If you ate pizza, the cheese in the pizza is the ingredient that contributed most to your protein intake. Milk, ham and pork 2. Looking at your Nutrient Reports, which three (3) foods contributed most to your total fat intake? For combination foods such as sandwiches, salads, casseroles, etc., name the specific ingredients. Example:
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some very interesting facts that pertained to my diet that were good and then some that needed work and serious altering. Some main nutrients in which I am at risk for deficiency include: dietary fiber; water; vitamin B6; Folate; vitamin C; vitamin D; vitamin A (RAE); vitamin A (IU); vitamin E; magnesium; potassium and zinc. Obviously some of these are much closer to satisfying about seventy percent of my daily needs than others. The diet in which I recorded is very accurate as to my typical diet
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