generally made from orange products. It is known for its health benefits, particularly its high concentration of vitamin C. It comes in several different varieties, including blood orange. Orange juice is made from unfermented fresh oranges and provides many benefits for the body. Fresh orange juice is the richest source of vitamin C and fulfills an entire day’s worth of vitamin C in just one serving. Chock full of useful minerals like potassium and magnesium, orange juice is also very low in
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Water-Soluble Vitamins VITAMINS: Vitamins are the organic compounds required by the plants and animals body to grow. The name 'vitamin' came from "vital amines". Classification of Vitamins: There are 13 vitamins which our body requires and these are: • Vitamin A • Vitamin C • Vitamin D • Vitamin E • Vitamin K • Vitamin B: It further includes: 1. Thiamine 2. Riboflavin 3. Niacin 4. Pantothenic acid 5. Biotin 6. Vitamin B-6 7. Vitamin B-12
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Water Soluble Vitamins and the Bodily Functions They Promote Vitamins and mineral supplements are items that most people would think are good for their bodies. Unfortunately, this is only a half truth. There are many people that are not aware of the full ramifications of vitamins, minerals, and other non-energy yielding nutrients. You need vitamins and minerals, but in excess they can be poison. Vitamin literally means “life, containing nitrogen.” (Rolfes, Pinna, Whitney 321). The first
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*HWWLQJ WKH EDODQFH ULJKW 7KH FRPSRQHQWV ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Vitamins Water Carbohydrates Proteins Fibre Fats Minerals 0DFURQXWULHQWV 1 &0 3"/6 &*-,/1+1 1, "1 )+ "! !&"1Ǥ 1%" 1%/"" *&+ 0,2/ "0 ,# #,,! 6,2 +""! 1, *&+1&+ %")1%6 !&"1 /" /,%6!/1"0Ǥ #10 +! -/,1"&+0ǣ &DUERK\GUDWHV Functions Carbohydrates provide essential energy for the working muscles and keeps the energy in the body at a good level. Sources ● ● ● ● ● Grains, oats, barley
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Receptive relaxation is related to peristalsis in that when peristalsis occurs the muscular wall just ahead of the contracted ring relaxes. 3. The esophagus provides a passageway for substances from the larynx to the bronchi. 4. The stomach is c-shaped and extends from the duodenum to the spleen. 5. Bile is composed of HCl, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor. 6. Cholecystokinin, a hormone released from intestinal mucosa by the presence of fats, stimulates the gallbladder to contract
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Feed additives CLASSIFICATION OF COMMON FEDDSTUFFS Feed is any edible material eaten by an animal as part of its daily ration. Its basic chemistry is composed of substances called nutrients. It is group into different classifications based on the following standards: 1. Concentration of digestible nutrients 2. Additive or supplemental effect 3. Use or utilization 4. Origin of source 1. Based on Origin or Source a. Plant origin or source. Majority of feeds for livestock
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increased lately, because of the fact that I started boxing. Which that itself takes a very dedicated and serious diet. Some main nutrients in which I am at risk for deficiency include: dietary fiber; water; vitamin B6; Folate; vitamin C; vitamin D; vitamin A (RAE); vitamin A (IU); vitamin E; magnesium; potassium and zinc. Obviously some of these are much closer to satisfying about seventy percent of my daily needs than others. The diet in which I recorded is very accurate as to my typical diet
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Vitamin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A bottle of high potency B-complex vitamin supplement pills. A vitamin (US /ˈvaɪtəmɪn/ and UK /ˈvɪtəmɪn/) is an organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts.[1] An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances
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Table of Contents Abstract............................................................................................................................i Acknowledgment.............................................................................................................ii Chapter 1..........................................................................................................................1 Background Of The Study...........................................................
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Vitamin Supplements and improved Health Vita means "life" in Latin, and vitamins are essential for life. The World Health Organization calls them the "magic wands" used by the body to synthesize enzymes, hormones and other chemical necessities. Unable to create vitamins from scratch, the body must fetch them from outside sources typically food. Humans need 13 vitamins to survive. Vitamins, also called "micronutrients" because they are required in minute quantities, can be grouped in two categories
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