In 1990, Edward Said wrote an article entitled “Embargoed Literature” which was published in The Nation. In it, he argues that Arabic literature is “embargoed” in the West even if one of its most prominent figures, the Egyptian novelist and short story writer Naguib Mahfouz, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. Said spoke of some “singular” reasons for this situation: [...] of all the major world literatures, Arabic remains relatively unknown and unread in the West for reasons that
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For Beethoven, the sonata form is not a scheme that can be used in caprice one day and abandoned the next. This form dominates everything he imagines and composes; it is the very mark of his creation and the form of his thought – an inherent form, a natural one. (Edwin Fischer, Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas). Beethoven’s thirty-two piano sonatas constitute a great treasure that embodies a part of the human eternity. Numerous pianists and musicologists have researched or studied them, trying to
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ENG2602/101/3/2015 Tutorial letter 101/3/2015 GENRES IN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: THEORY, STYLE AND POETICS ENG2602 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of English Studies IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This Tutorial Letter contains important information about your module. CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE....................
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Identify the roles of values in decision-making Identify the definition of ethics Identify the nature of ethical reasoning Identify the concept of ethical standards and judgement Define morality Identify the various phases of Kohlberg's theory of moral development Identify the differences between ethics and morality Identify the similarities between ethics and morality Identify the basic unification of ethics, values and morality NATURE OF VALUES 1.1.1 Definition A small company has just
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CORPORATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT BUSINESS CONGRESS 2008 Presented by THE HELPING HAND NETWORK CSI Business Congress 2008 Page 1 THE CALL TO DIALOGUE – SOCIAL REFORMATION CONGRESS REPORT & SUPPLEMENT CONGRESS DATE: 1516 JULY 2008 CONGRESS VENUE: SIBAYA CASINO, 1 SIBAYA DRIVE, UMHLANGA, KWAZULU NATAL OVERALL FEEDBACK “For the first time CSI will tread where no man has trod before, and pave the way to the social reformation of South Africa.” The congress has become a reality and manifested
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ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ, ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЙ Сканирование, перевод в .d jvu: Суворов УЧЕБНИК ДЛЯ ВУЗОВ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА 4 КУРС Под редакцией В.Д. Аракина Издание пятое, переработанное и дополненное Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации в качестве учебника для студентов высших учебных заведений Москва УМ М АШ Г4АМ ь МЗДЛГЕЛЬСХМ ^ХВПЛЛОС 2006 УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 ГІ69 В.Д. Аракин
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A Biennial Report of the Kaiser Family Foundation 2003 X SE ON TV Dale Kunkel, Ph.D. Erica Biely Keren Eyal Kirstie Cope-Farrar, Ph.D. Edward Donnerstein, Ph.D. Rena Fandrich 3 SEX ON TV 2003 A BIENNIAL REPORT TO THE KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION DALE KUNKEL, PH.D., ERICA BIELY, KEREN EYAL, KIRSTIE COPEFARRAR, PH.D., EDWARD DONNERSTEIN, PH.D., and RENA FANDRICH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA FEBRUARY 2003 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to convey their sincere
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Chapter I PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Introduction Managing classroom behavior may be more challenging today than ever before. Many teachers face larger class sizes, more students who come from stressful, chaotic homes, and increased diversity in students' abilities and cultures (Grossman, 2004). Yet, many of us are determined to manage classroom behavior ourselves. After all, collaborating with others takes time and energy to build rapport and come to a consensus on behavior-change priorities and strategies
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Religions and Politics (Prof. Mondonga M. Mokoli, Ph.D.) According to the scientific theory of evolution, life on Earth evolved naturally over time. Evolutionary theory was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century and it was affirmed by the 20th century biologists and geneticists. Thus, this theory has achieved scientific consensus as the origin of human humankind. In contrast, supporters of intelligent design believe that all life on the Earth was created deliberately. Intelligent
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Qn 1 1. The Natural Environment One of the more common ways marketers demonstrate social responsibility is through programs designed to protect and preserve the natural environment. a) Many companies are making contributions to environmental protection organizations, sponsoring and participating in clean-up events, promoting recycling, retooling manufacturing processes to minimize waste and pollution, and generally reevaluating the effects of their products on the natural environment. b) Green
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