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21 Day Sugar Research Paper

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You know you need to cut back on the amount of sugar in your diet. But despite your best efforts, you just can't stay away. That is because your brain reacts to sugar the same way that it does to powerful narcotics like cocaine and heroin.

So if you are having a hard time trimming sugar out of your daily routine, give yourself a break. This does not mean that you are a weak-willed person with no self-control. It just means it is going to be difficult.

If you practice the following 10 tips to cut sugar out of your diet on a consistent basis, you will begin to crave sugar less (and those extra pounds will start to come off).

Get to know the aliases that sugar goes by

Not all sugar is called sugar. Even if you are diligently …show more content…
The same cannot be said for artificial sweeteners. Just because something replaces sugar, if it is refined and made by man, that does not necessarily mean that it is good for you. Diane Sanfilippo is a certified nutrition consultant and author of The 21 Day Sugar Detox, which teaches you how to effectively remove sugar from your diet in just 3 weeks.

She agrees with the 2010 review posted in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine that says sugar-free foods and artificial sweeteners actually promote weight gain. This is because they disturb your brain's natural taste for sweetness. They do not deliver nutrition and calories along with their sweet taste. And that is exactly why they are known to cause weight gain. Reaching for fake and artificial sweeteners can actually drive you right back to eating unhealthy, refined sugar.

Replace sugar with …show more content…
And regulated blood sugar levels have also been shown to help control your appetite, so you may eat less as well. Stop purchasing flavored oatmeal and simply sprinkle some nutmeg or ginger on top. You can also add a handful of healthy blueberries to your oatmeal to provide a wonderful flavor and contrast. There are literally dozens of natural spices and condiments you can use to add flavor instead of reaching for unhealthy sugar.

Eat and enjoy your sugar filled desserts

What is that, you say? How can we be telling you that eating desserts heavy in sugar is a good thing, when sugar is so bad for you? Eventually, you may remove every urge to eat sugar in any form. But the idea behind these tests is to locate sugar that is getting into your diet in ways that you do not understand. And rewarding yourself from time to time is required if your sugar removal plans are going to be successful.

Those cereals which manufacturers tell you are healthy are often times packed full of sugar. Ketchup, bread and other seemingly innocent items are chock full of sugar. It is these non-dessert sugar-filled items that you want to eliminate throughout the day. Reward yourself with a sweet treat on weekends after dinner, or when you dine out twice a week. Just don't implement this strategy every

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