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3 Day Eventing Research Paper

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The sport of 3-Day Eventing is the triathlon of the Equestrian world. Horse and rider combinations compete against each other in three disciplines. These disciplines include working a horse on the flat and over jumps, referred to as fences. Scores are based upon a cumulative score over each phase of the sport, over a period of three days. Athletes in Eventing range from weekend hobby riders to professionals who make a living by training, competing, and traveling.
Eventing is a sport that has been around since the early 1900’s. It originated as a test for military chargers, but has since been modified into what it is today. The Dressage phase was designed to demonstrate the horse’s level of training. Horse and rider were judged on the horse’s …show more content…
Dressage is the first phase and is typically held on a Friday, and sometimes a Saturday morning depending on the amount of entries and size of the Event. Dressage evaluates the horse’s gaits, suppleness, and obedience through a series of prescribed movements and maneuvers. The rider is required to view and memorize the Dressage test before the performance. Dressage arenas are very different from a regular arena. They have short white fences that are approximately a foot high and a Dressage arena has letters posted in certain areas to serve as markers for test execution. Tests are formatted so that each maneuver is given a corresponding letter in the arena at which it needs to be executed. Also, each maneuver is given a weight that it has in the final score of the phase that is regulated by ten point increments. The second phase of Eventing is Cross Country. Cross Country is a timed event that has an optimum time and penalties can be accumulated. This phase is a test of stamina, fitness, boldness, and courage for both horse and rider. The fences in Cross Country are solid and cannot be moved by the horse or knocked down, which makes it the most dangerous phase of the entire sport. They are decorated in a more natural manner, typically out of wood and crafted to look like something found in the forest or on a farm. Penalties are given for a horse’s refusal to jump and for completing the course slower than optimum time. Elimination can also occur for three refusals, a rider fall, or a horse fall. The final phase is Stadium. Stadium jumping is designed to show the horse’s strength and ability after the two previous phases. Fences are bright and decorated with flowers, gates, bricks, etc. The course is timed and each rail that falls is a four point fault. The winner will be determined by the fastest, cleanest round. The overall winner of the Event is determined by the lowest cumulative score from

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