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Homelessness Research Paper

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Homelessness is like the flu which is easy to spread widely if people do not have the awareness as well as precautionary measures. It is the controversial issue that public is concerned about, and it happens in a lot of cities including Vancouver. Because this phenomenon still increases dramatically in the last few years, people need to know the reasons why the homelessness occurs so that they can solve this problem effectively. Homelessness is caused by addiction, housing crisis, and the personal problems. The most vital factor that affects an individual’s ability to thrive and respond people’s basic needs is the addiction. Baumeister and Nadal (2017) writes that the addiction is a strange phenomenon that people can not control themselves because their consciousness is defeated by the strong desires. In fact, when people get used to using drugs or alcohol regularly, their nervous systems are excited. They can not realize how much they …show more content…
The personal problems are related to some problems such as personal health issues and personal relationships including divorce, or domestic violence. To be more specific, people who have mental illness and personal vulnerability cannot work effectively as normal people since they lack in work abilities to maintain the occupation. Therefore, their income can be low and it is not enough to cover their everyday needs. In addition, the disabled often feel a complex about their situation, so it is not easy for them to participate in the society. This also brings about the separation from the community as well as indirectly experience homelessness. One further important thing is that a lot of children who lack care from their families are also liable to become homeless. Some of them are orphaned, the others live with their families without affection. They are grown up without the education, so it is easy to be enticed by the

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