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Small Groups Research Paper

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Many might refer to small groups as therapy based, but small groups are not inclusive or able to be generalized in such regard. Indeed, when addressing issues of faith, small groups may be best suited for training and discipling men and women in the faith of Christ. Many reasons may be given attesting to the validity of the aforementioned, so Comiskey who mentions Trinitarian Doctrine with its emphasis on “life, love and movement within the Godhead.” Torrance notes that the Doctrine of the Trinity is essential and “foundational to Christianity, defines who we worship and serve, while guiding the church to practice love, care and unity.”
Love is based on more than mutual understanding and the secular view of love which rests on the Eros form rather than the biblical which is Filial. Regarding the Godhead even filial love is superseded by the relational that is impossible to subscribe to either a narrow or one-ness view of self. This is demonstrated best in Scriptures such as John 3:25-36 and 5:20 which h allows for reason to conclude …show more content…
Is this a given within the church? It should be, but sadly it is not; and in reality, an exponent of the great Commission is the formation of new communities of believers where-ever they might live in the world. The reason small groups are integral is because “corporate worship doesn’t facilitate community as does a small group of three to fifteen people… Cell groups provide smaller accountability structures allowing deeper relationships to develop.” Jesus wanted his followers to do the Lord’s work, and there is no better way to do the work than in a group. Jesus sent his followers out in groups or pairs of two, and what id demonstrated by this is that “ministry groups develop a sense of community on the job…community grows in small groups where people can share their

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