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9/11 Attack Research Paper

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Cindy Arters, an American citizen, was devastated on the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. She was angered and questionable about why would someone do this.
“Anyone who was involved and participated in this event would do this mostly because of hate.”
It all began on an early Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001. Cindy was recently working on the computer and doing her job like everyone else does on a regular basis. She goes to work everyday, accomplishes what she needs to get done, and goes home. Time was running slow on the Tuesday Cindy went in until a shocking tragedy happened in a blink of an eye. It was around 8:45 a.m. when one of the workers below came up and informed Cindy and other co-workers to turn on the TV. Turning …show more content…
Then unexpectedly, I saw the second plane with my own eyes, crash into the second tower. I bursted into tears. I had to grab a extra box of tissues from my closet because I was crying so much. It breaks my heart seeing this happen like no one deserves it.” Citizens ran from the towers to get to safety. Women were running with their kids like it was a family marathon but the finish line was to get somewhere safe. Minutes later, with people still stuck inside, the south tower collapsed. While running, thousands of people were caught up in all the debris. Many people survived, but many have died as well. “It was very emotional for me seeing the first tower collapsing, watching people lose their lives because of hatred and anger of Al Qaeda. I could see nothing but tons and tons of smoke covering the city slowly. It was hard to turn off the TV because you want to see what happens next. I can’t just turn off the TV and act like this never happened.” Soon after the south tower collapsed, the north tower collapsed in a blink of an eye. With devastation, Cindy prayed for all of the people in both towers. Running for their lives, people, including children did everything they can to get to safety. Kids even lost their parents in the debris. There was nothing to do but scream and

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