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COPD In Education

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CoPD Education has always had a huge impact on the world, and especially in today’s times. In their article, “Enhancing Teacher Competency through Co-Teaching and Embedded Professional Development,” LaShorage Shaffer and Karen Thomas-Brown share their strong attitude towards the Co-teaching Professional Development (CoPD). Shaffer and Brown reveal how effective the CoPD is on students with disabilities. From the beginning, Shaffer and Brown start off with discussing how the teaching profession has come a long way. “The teaching profession has evolved and become one in which expertise from multiple fields are integrated to support the education outcome of all children” (Shaffer & Brown). By doing this, Shaffer and Brown allow the reader to know how important education is to all students. It is important that every educator has the proper skills and competency to provide sufficient and effective knowledge to all students even …show more content…
By stating this, the readers have to understand how important it is for the CoPD approach to work. No one knew what to expect from the CoPD, because honestly the educators were just looking for a way to be able to teach students with disabilities the same as others. The No Child Left Behind Act (2001) was created to ensure every student was never left behind or forgotten for no reason what so ever. Education is to key to being successful in the world today. Shaffer and Brown wanted to reveal the success of the CoPD and share with everyone their results from their own experience. “This study presents a model for using the Co-teaching Professional Development (CoPD) approach which allows for the transference of skills for both general education and special education teachers to successfully instruct all students” (Shaffer &

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