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9/11 Conspiracy Research Paper

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Conspiracy is a word used to describe the secret planning of a group to do something that is usually illegal and causes harm to many people. There are several conspiracy’s that surround some of the most well-known events in history however, there is one conspiracy in particular that has been heard by many throughout the nation. This conspiracy is that homeland security was behind the attack on 9/11. The reason that this conspiracy is thought to be true is because certain aspects of the 9/11 attack such as the Air force not intercepting the hijacked planes, the way in which the towers fell and the fact that an amateur pilot was able to crash into the pentagon so easily do not coincide with the logistics of building structures nor should it have been that easy to crash into a military building. The more these irregularities have become evident to the public the more questions have arose, each one leading more people to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. …show more content…
The United States has an extremely powerful air force making is suspicious that they did nothing to aid in the rescue of the many passengers which were aboard those planes. According to the article “9/11 Conspiracy theories: How they’ve evolved” “The then US Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the military to stand down and not to intercept the plane.” This mean that the United States Vice President let vast amounts of citizens die and did nothing. The government has released statements saying this is false and that communication errors were the reason for this. It seems though that the government is just trying to cover up the fact that they planned the whole thing, which is even more evident considering the pattern of which the buildings hit by these planes

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