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When I Came To America Research Paper

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Seoyoon (Amy) Lee
Peter Martin
English Composition 1
3 September 2014

We have Different Culture Before I came to America, I watched a lot of shows and movies, so I thought America was a wonderful place. However, I was wrong because when I came to America and visited Chicago, I was shocked, so I changed my mind. First, we have different stores, fashion, and pets. Many people said America is the best country ever, so I will talk about what’s different between Korea and America. In Korean, stores open until midnight or are open 24 hours, so we can go out or shop anytime. Also, Korea’s night-lights are very pretty. When my friends and I hung out, It was 2am. We bought some Korean street food and went to the Cheonggye creek. We enjoyed our night, …show more content…
I think Korean quality is better than American, I bought clothes 2 years ago in Korea, but I can still wear them ‘No Problem.’ I bought clothes 8 months ago in America; I can’t wear them anymore because they’re fluffy now. I went to the store with my friends and I saw one dress. It was 400 dollars, but I thought it was 80 dollars. They used cheap cloth and cubic. My American friends wear leggings like pants, but in Korea, leggings are underwear. How they can wear that without skirt? or long shirts? Also first new style come from the New York, but Korean people always wear clothing styles before California or many other state, so I feel like “Man... That style is kind of old.” Many Korean people like brand stuff especially women. They like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Coco Chanel, or Nike. Brand stuff is really expensive in Korea even government to do a markup because people think if they have brand stuff, that mean rich and they are high-level people. I think that is stupid. If I have enough money to buy them I would. I want to have a pet because I like pet. So, when I tried to get a pet in America, I was surprised. Pets are expensive. In Korea, we can get a hamster for just 1 dollar or free, In America, I have to paid 12 dollars. In Korea, we can get a Maltese around 25 dollars, but In America, they are 300 dollars! What an amazing price. American people care about their pet like a family. I heard that from my friends, In America,

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