...9/11 I chose the events of 9/11 for my research paper because there has not been any other even in U.S. history that has changed America as much as the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Not even when Japan attack Pearl Harbor had such an attack on the U.S. changed the way we live or the way we see things. Yes the attack on Pearl Harbor sent the U.S. to war but the 9/11 attacks have not only changed our thinking but also implemented a new system to alert Americans when there could be another attack on U.S. soil. There has been so much talk on the events of 9/11 from it being another country to it being the work of the government to hide information to wanting to start a war. Which it did, American forces invaded Afghanistan to search for Osama Bin Laden. The thought that someone could hijack commercial airliners (Boeing 767s) and use them to attack high rises, not only high rises but U.S. landmarks and also the Pentagon which houses the military headquarters in the United States. There were four airliners hijacked that day with three of them hitting their marks and the fourth one crashing in a Pennsylvania field. The attacks are the worst terrorist attacks to ever happen on U.S. soil, resulting in more than 3,000 people were killed due to the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. After the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center on the 80th floor, it trapped hundreds of people above the fiery inferno and they started evacuating the north tower. Within...
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...is one conspiracy in particular that has been heard by many throughout the nation. This conspiracy is that homeland security was behind the attack on 9/11. The reason that this conspiracy is thought to be true is because certain aspects of the 9/11 attack such as the Air force not intercepting the hijacked planes, the way in which the towers fell and the fact that an amateur pilot was able to crash into the pentagon so easily do not coincide with the logistics of building structures nor should it have been that easy to crash into a military building. The more these irregularities have become evident to the public the more questions have arose, each one leading more people to believe that 9/11 was an inside job....
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...When a giant explosion ripped through Alfred P. Murrah federal building April 19,1995, killing 168 and wounding hundreds, the United States of America jumped to a conclusion we would all learn to regret. The initial response to the devastation was all focused of middle-eastern terrorists. “The West is under attack,”(Posner 89), reported the USA Today. Every news and television station had the latest expert on the middle east telling the nation that we were victims of jihad, holy war. It only took a few quick days to realize that we were wrong and the problem, the terrorist, was strictly domestic. But it was too late. The damage had been done. Because America jumped to conclusions then, America was later blind to see the impending attack of 9/11. The responsibility, however, is not to be placed on the America people. The public couldn’t stand to hear any talk of terrorism, so in turn the White House irresponsibly took a similar attitude. They concentrated on high public opinion and issues that were relevant to Americans everyday. The government didn’t want to deal with another public blunder like the one in Oklahoma City. A former FBI analyst recalls, “when I went to headquarters (Washington, D.C.) later that year no one was interested in hearing anything about Arab money connections unless it had something to do with funding domestic groups. We stumbled so badly on pinpointing the Middle East right off the bat on the Murrah bombing. No one wanted to get caught like that again...
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...The Current War in Afghanistan Portfolio Causes: In 2001 Afghanistan was controlled by the Taliban. Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan had become home to various terrorist organizations/groups who trained and planned operations from the country. One of those organizations was called Al-Qaeda and were an extremist Islamic terror group lead by Osama Bin Laden. During the 90's they had carried out various attacks against US targets including bombing embassies and warships. Although, their previous activities were nothing compared to the amount of damage and huge loss of life suffered during 9/11. This left The world in disbelief and the population of the United states wanting justice. The various intelligence agencies were then able to workout that the attacks had been planned and organized from Afghanistan. This lead to George Bush declaring a war on terror and identified Afghanistan as their primary target. United States Involvement: The war in Afghanistan started in October 2001 when American and British forces invaded the country with the aim of arresting the Al-Qaeda leadership, including Bin-laden, removing the Taliban government from power who had harbored the terrorists and refused to co-operate. The operation was partly successful as Al-Qaeda's training camps were destroyed and several key leaders were killed although the main leader, Bin-Laden managed to escape. The Taliban government was then removed from power relatively quickly. The problem came with the fact that the...
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...Pearl Harbor and 9/11 was both two tragedy terrorist attacks. Pearl Harbor was a attacked planned by the Japanese and carried most of the attack out while United states were unprepared. With 9/11, the attack was planned by Arab -Muslim hijackers. 9/ 11 was carried out by 2 planes crashing into the trade center and killing thousands of people. Pearl Harbor was carried out by Japanese going to the American base and throwing bombs , and shooting missiles from their airplanes. With the Japanese, their long term goals was to deliver a knockout blowout to the U.S Pacific fleet with a surprise attack on Pearl attack which would give Japan power , and would help the japanese enough resources they need. The Japanese sent a surprise attack to Pearl attack early morning on December 7 , and the Japanese sunk 4 American battleships , , caused the last to go underground, while the damaging three other ships and over three hundred aircraft. Although the attack devastatingly successful , It was not the knock out Japanese planners Intended. The fight with Japanses on Pearl Harbor actually helped strangle the Japanses economy in the final years of the war. The long term goals of the 9/11 attack was to make Americans...
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...you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us soon’” (September 11 attacks, pg.5). During the years of the 1970s to the present, Americans experienced hardships but also patriotism. For example, the attacks on the Twin Towers and fighting in the Iraq War after the Twin Towers collapsed. In addition, Americans also faced more intricate videos for the invention of CGI. (“New Voices, New Frontiers” 1277-1289). Furthermore, an event that had a major effect at the time on Americans was 9/11, at which time George W. Bush was president, causing him to be an important figure in America's history. 9/11 had a huge impact...
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...On September 11, 2001, four planes crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. These planes had been hijacked by “19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda” who planned to carry out suicide attacks on the U.S. (9/11 Attacks). On this day, at 8:45am, the first plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, instantly killing many and trapping many more on higher floors. “Then, 18 minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor” (9/11 Attacks). Many had already been evacuated out of the south tower but many more were...
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...CHAPTER 10 Aggregate Demand I Questions for Review 1. The Keynesian cross tells us that fiscal policy has a multiplied effect on income. The reason is that according to the consumption function, higher income causes higher consumption. For example, an increase in government purchases of ∆G raises expenditure and, therefore, income by ∆G. This increase in income causes consumption to rise by MPC × ∆G, where MPC is the marginal propensity to consume. This increase in consumption raises expenditure and income even further. This feedback from consumption to income continues indefinitely. Therefore, in the Keynesian-cross model, increasing government spending by one dollar causes an increase in income that is greater than one dollar: it increases by ∆G/(1 – MPC). 2. The theory of liquidity preference explains how the supply and demand for real money balances determine the interest rate. A simple version of this theory assumes that there is a fixed supply of money, which the Fed chooses. The price level P is also fixed in this model, so that the supply of real balances is fixed. The demand for real money balances depends on the interest rate, which is the opportunity cost of holding money. At a high interest rate, people hold less money because the opportunity cost is high. By holding money, they forgo the interest on interest-bearing deposits. In contrast, at a low interest rate, people hold more money because the opportunity cost is low. Figure 10–1 graphs...
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...September eleventh 2001? Just about everyone would say that it was a tragedy, a dark day for New Yorkers, one of the worst days in American history and huge wake up call for the US. Anyone who has said any of these would be correct, but 9/11 wasn’t just that. While it was a tragic event that took the lives of many good Americans, it also brought out one of the greatest things about America, the strength and fortitude of its people. After 9/11 the American people pulled together as a Nation. Just like most other terrorist attacks, 9/11 was a crime against all that we stand for as a country: our democracy, our acceptance of all religions, and all the different types of people who live in America. There have been many...
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...ISSN: 0037-7996 print / 2152-405X online DOI: 10.1080/00377996.2011.585551 9/11 in the Curriculum: A Retrospective DIANA HESS1 and JEREMY STODDARD2 1 2 Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA School of Education, The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA This article uses a curricular analysis study to examine how the events of 9/11 and their aftermath are presented to secondary students in supplemental curriculum and social studies textbooks published from 2002–2010. Shortly after 9/11, many political leaders and social studies educators advocated teaching about 9/11 and its aftermath because these events provided a unique “teachable moment,” even though there was often bitter disagreement about what ideological messages related to 9/11 should be promoted in the schools. Within one year, many non-profit organizations and even the United States Department of State developed materials on 9/11 that were disseminated to secondary schools. As the first editions of post-9/11 textbooks came out, it was also evident that content about 9/11 and what happened in its wake would be given special attention. To investigate what was being communicated to young people about 9/11 and its aftermath to students, we analyzed nine curricula from the non-profits and the government in the first few years after 9/11, a sample of nine of history and government textbooks published between 2004–06, and then a subsample of three of the 2009–10...
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...Today i will be disseminating the similarities and differences between the attacks on pearl harbor and 9-11. With pearl harbor the attack was mainly focused on military targets, on 9-11 most of the targets were civilians, with the exception of the pentagon bombing, and the supposed failed white house bombing. Both of these attacks were sent as an message to the united states, but the pearl harbor bombing had a more definitive meaning, to literally cripple the united states navy. 9-11 was more of a threat than a message, saying that america needs to stay out of the middle east or else. The differences between the attacks are one was during the 1940’s and they other was in 2000, a 60 year difference. Another difference was technology, the main source of information during the 1940 was radio, and this took about 1 hour to 2 hours to communicate just to the united states. With 9-11 the main source of information was television, and this was spread worldwide in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. Another difference was the countries / groups that committed these heinous crimes, one was the japanese imperial navy, the other was a ruminant of al qaeda....
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...9/11 Cover-up America's top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in US cities to trick the public into supporting a war against Cuba in the early 1960s. Approved in writing by the Pentagon Joint Chiefs, Operation Northwoods even proposed blowing up a US ship and hijacking planes as a false pretext for war. [ABC News, 5/1/01, Pentagon Documents] 1996-2001: Federal authorities are aware for years before 9/11 that suspected terrorists with ties to Osama bin Laden are receiving flight training at schools in the US and abroad. One convicted terrorist confesses that his planned role in a terror attack was to crash a plane into CIA headquarters. [Washington Post, 9/23/01, CBS, 5/30/02, more] 1996-2001: On multiple occasions spies give detailed reports on bin Laden's location. Each time, the CIA director or White House officials prevent bin Laden's elimination. [Los Angeles Times, 12/5/04, New York Times, 12/30/01, more] 2000-2001: 15 of the 19 hijackers fail to fill in visa documents properly in Saudi Arabia. Only six are interviewed. All 15 should have been denied entry to the US. [Washington Post, 10/22/02, ABC, 10/23/02] Two top Republican senators say if State Department personnel had merely followed the law, 9/11 would not have happened. [AP, 12/18/02, more] 2000-2001: The military conducts exercises simulating hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets causing mass casualties. One target is the World Trade...
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...achievements that were destroyed by the American invasion in 2003. Now, it seems that the question on everyone’s lips is; “Was Iraq better off before or after the American invasion?” and it seems that many...
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...Buying the War, was it really the press that led the United States Government to believe that Saddam Hussein planned the 9-11 attacks? The story “Buying the War” a documentary that aired in 2007 on Bill Moyers Journal, investigated how the media influenced not only the people of the United States but also the government itself. The documentary stated that high ranking officials somehow led the country to believe that there was a link between 9-11 and Saddam Hussein, and used the press to lead Americans into believing that everything that was being said was true, even though there was no cold hard evidence. For example, the media reported that Saddam Hussein actually had weapons of mass destruction underneath his home, which was later unfounded....
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...1. “I was persuaded to stop writing that book. I started it four more times during the next twenty years. On each occasion, my decision to begin again was influenced by current world events: the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989, the first Gulf War, Somalia, the rise of Osama bin Laden. However, threats or bribes always convinced me to stop. In 2003, the president of a major publishing house that is owned by a powerful international corporation read a draft of what had now become Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He described it as "a riveting story that needs to be told." Then he smiled sadly, shook his head, and told me that since the executives at world head-quarters might object, he could not afford to risk.” The statement above was very appealing to me, I think it is because my family is constantly talking about how twisted our government truly is. The fact that there was something to hide so they persuaded him to stop writing it makes me realize how intimidating they must be. And then how he talk about all the wars, invasions, and other twisted things he was discussing made some one scared to publish the book even though they believe he needed to be said. 2. “This book is the confession of a man who, back when I was an EHM, was part of a relatively small group. People who play similar roles are more abundant now. They have more Euphemistic titles, and they walk the corridors of Monsanto, General Electric, Nike, General Motors, Wal-Mart, and nearly every other major...
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