...deal is domestic violence. With recent media coverage speaking about the controversial domestic violence dispute between two celebrities, many were informed of this issue and were reminded that it still exist. With such upsetting news being covered so persistently one must wonder whether or not this issue important and if it deserves more attention. Domestic violence is not just an issue that can be ignored and put under the rug because it truly is a big problem that is affecting relationships and ruining families worldwide. The affects of this issue run from physical abuse to psychological harm and studies show that such harm can life long affect. While people continue to question whether or not domestic violence is important or not, lives are being lost and families are being destroyed. There are many definitions of domestic violence and the serious harm it can do to individuals. Diana Mahoney the author of the article “The causes of domestic violence are complex” writes for Clinical Psychiatry News, a monthly newsmagazine for practitioners. In the article Mahoney mentions that “that some theorists contend that the underlying cause of domestic violence is biological, others believe the cause is psychopathological, shaped by early childhood experiences”(Mahoney, Diana). The biological theory suggests that violent behavior can be explained by genetics, biochemistry, and changes in brain development caused by early trauma. Mahoney also states that domestic violence...
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...Macklin Brown 11/21/2012 The Balance of Power and Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is hard to talk about. Neither the perpetrators nor the victims are likely to be forthcoming with the details. Domestic abuse and violence incidents are extremely traumatic and leave emotional and physical scars that last a lifetime. It is transferred generation to generation by association. Sexual abuse in the household is a form of violence; this is along the same vein as the fact that rape is considered a violent crime. There is a large amount of evidence that suggests that domestic violence and abuse have strong correlations to poverty and power. The violence is widespread and affects far more Americans than you might imagine, or want to… One of the websites I visited looking for information belonged to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. They give a working definition for Domestic violence which is: “Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another”. This definition can aid us in our understanding of what exactly Domestic violence is. There is some additional information that I gathered from their website that provides insights into the problem of domestic violence. One such statistic is that “most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police”. I intentionally put this statistic first because it affects every ever statistic to...
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...Abstract Domestic violence is a common problem that may affect more than a quarter of women. It is a complex area in which to undertake research. Studies often focus on selected populations and exhibit a diversity of design, making comparison difficult. This review focuses on physical violence by men against women partners or ex-partners, and exemplifies important issues for general practitioners. Domestic violence frequently goes undetected. This may be the result of doctor's fears of exploring an area perceived as time-consuming, where knowledge is lacking and where they feel powerless to 'fix' the situation. Women may not reveal that they are experiencing violence, sometimes because doctors are unsympathetic or hostile. Nevertheless, women wish to be asked routinely about physical abuse and want to receive immediate advice and information about their options if necessary. Women experience a range of health and social problems in association with domestic violence, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse and pregnancy complications. However, none of these features is specific enough to be useful as an indicator of violence. Therefore, doctors should routinely ask all women direct questions about abuse. This recommendation can be incorporated into guidelines, which should be implemented widely in the UK, to improve the care of women experiencing domestic violence. In parallel with this, the educational needs of general practitioners should be addressed. Further...
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...Unit 6 Project: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children Trudy Root Kaplan University CM107-11 Children are negatively impacted by the surrounding of domestic violence in multiple ways, in which need to be identified. The audience that needs to be aware of domestic abuse’s effects on children is adults that care for children; such as pediatricians, teachers, counselors, and parents. The issue that needs to be addressed is the negative effects on children involved in a domestic violence situation. Many people can see how abuse can affect a child, however many of those people do nothing about it. What causes children to negatively be affected by the surroundings of domestic abuse? According to Long Term Effects of Domestic Violence, “the children are also affected in both overt and subtle ways”. (Stewart, 2012). Sometimes children feel guilt when they are unable to protect the one being abused. What also may lead to hurt is when children witness yelling, pushing, or hitting. This type of hurt can lead to confusion, stress, fear, shame, or blaming themself for the problem. These causes then affect children in ways which have been stated by Stewart. Families where a mother is abused are at a higher risk of child abuse by 6 to 15 times. When these children witness abuse, they are more likely to develop emotional problems. Angela Browne had stated that, “boys who witness their fathers’ abuse of their mothers are more likely to inflict severe violence as adults...
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...CHILDREN EXPOSED TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE By October 18, 2014 Introduction According to, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) children exposed to domestic violence experience trauma as a result. Their statistical data from 2003 to 2012, which consists of computerized records of domestic violence, show that trauma is a byproduct when children witness domestic violence. Interventions and outcomes are examined to account for existing models for children who witness domestic violence. It is estimated three point three million children witness domestic violence in the United States annually. The term domestic violence refers to violence between intimate adult partners and may involve a range of behaviors including physical aggression, verbal threats and coercive/degrading sex. “Approximately seventy-six percent women and twenty-four percent men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States”. In 2012, “intimate partner violence made up twenty-one percent of all nonfatal violent crime experienced by women”. Likewise, “intimate partners committed four percent of the nonfatal violence against men in 2012”. Exposure to domestic violence results in negative effects to children’s health and development such as emotional distress, developmental delays, symptoms of post-traumatic stress and externalizing, (attention problems, aggressive behavior, and rule breaking actions), or internalizing...
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...Domestic Violence Introduction Domestic Violence Against Women is a global issue reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions. It is a problem without frontiers. Not only is the problem widely dispersed geographically, but its incidence is also extensive, making it a typical and accepted behavior. Only recently, within the past twenty-five years, has the issue been "brought into the open as a field of concern and study" (Violence Against Women in the Family, page 38). Domestic violence is not an isolated, individual event but rather a pattern of repeated behaviors that the abuser uses to gain power and control over the victim. Unlike stranger-to-stranger violence, in domestic violence situations the same perpetrator repeatedly assaults the same victim. These assaults are often in the form of physical injury, but may also be in the form of sexual assault. However the abuse is not only physical and sexual, but also psychological. Psychological abuse means intense and repetitive humiliation, creating isolation, and controlling the actions of the victim through intimidation or manipulation. Domestic violence tends to become more frequent and severe over time. Oftentimes the abuser is physically violent sporadically, but uses other controlling tactics on a daily basis. All tactics have profound effects on the victim. Perpetrators of domestic violence can be found in all age, racial, ethnic, cultural...
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...AND CONSEQUENCES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN. Recent studies in the United States show that almost half of the children who had witnessed domestic violence or been physically assaulted , gets injured during these incidents. It can be defined as the misuse of power and an excessive act of control. It is possible that children get injured accidentally because they get caught in the violence which is usually directed at their mothers or they may be the victims of serious levels of physical punishment as well. After studying 1,888 child protection records authorities found that 27% of the cases was about domestic violence in the family (Gibbons, 1995). At an extreme level, physical abuse will cause death. A study of 30 child death examination exposed a strong combination between domestic violence and fatal child abuse (James,M. 1994). Another important effect of domestic violence on children’s experiences is social, such as separation from their community, family and friends, changing schools and often losing their homes with theirs possessions. Children who witnessed domestic violence have significantly more frequent behavioural problems and emotional disturbance than children who are not in an abusive environment. Researches all over the world imply that domestic violence affects children in many more ways and causes physical, behavioural and psychological problems. In the past two decades, there has been growing recognition of the of domestic violence in the society...
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...A’Shantee Dawson CJS/231 Domestic Violence Paper April 26, 2016 Ms. Waltman This research paper is intended to address issues of abused children and how domestic violence affects their lives in so many different ways. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence is well-defined as the pattern of abusive and threatening behaviors that may include physical, emotional, economic and sexual violence as well as pressure, separation and strong-arming. There are many ways that children can experience abuse. Children exposed to devastating and potentially traumatic events early in their lives are considered risk for problems in adjustment. Yet it is not known whether it is the age of first exposure (AFE) to violence or the amount of violence that the child witnessed in their lifetime that has the greatest impact on adjustment. For a sample of 190 children ages 6 to 12 exposed to intimate partner violence, their mothers reported that the average length of their abusive relationship was 10 years. The majority of children were first exposed to family violence as infants at 64 percent, with only 12 percent first exposed when school aged. However, in deterioration analyses controlling for child sex, ethnicity, age, and family environment variables, increasing violence exposure accounted for greater variance in adjustment than did the age of first exposure. Furthermore, cumulative violence exposure mediated the relationship between the age of first exposure and expressing...
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...for policies that address the intersection of domestic violence and substance abuse, ensuring that services are both available and accessible to those affected. The connection between substance use and domestic violence is a multifaceted issue that necessitates a comprehensive and informed approach from professionals. The intersection of substance abuse and domestic violence presents significant challenges and opportunities within the field of human services. Studies have shown a correlation between substance abuse and domestic violence, with substance abuse often exacerbating the severity of domestic violence. However, it is crucial to clarify that while they often occur together,...
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...Domestic Violence and The Relationship with Human Rights in Surabaya Evangeline Josephine Muljono - 34412016 Abstract This paper shows about domestic violence that happens in Surabaya and the relationship with human rights of Surabaya citizens. This paper shows that domestic violence violates Pancasila and its principles because it violates human rights of people in Surabaya. And as part of Indonesia, we must take action about it. There will also be some solutions that are offered to decrease the number of domestic violence in Surabaya. Background Humans are social beings. Every human needs other people to carry out his/her life. This means that every human must gather and work together to build a better life and the key point of working together is having the same goal. Building a team, communities, and organizations are some of the way to achieve the same goal that people have. But besides that, the simplest way to achieve a goal that people have in common is building a family. Family is very important because it is the basic need of human being. Family is a place to build a character of a person. Family is a place to learn how to respect and protect each other. And family will only work out only when the members work together and have a positive relationship to each other. Nowadays, in Surabaya, the meaning of building a good family has been fading. Every year, the number of divorce in Surabaya is getting bigger and bigger. And one of the causes of that is violence...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...Domestic Violence Against Women is a global issue reaching across national boundaries as well as socio-economic, cultural, racial and class distinctions. It is a problem without frontiers. Not only is the problem widely dispersed geographically, but its incidence is also extensive, making it a typical and accepted behavior. Only recently, within the past twenty-five years, has the issue been "brought into the open as a field of concern and study" (Violence Against Women in the Family, page 38). Domestic violence is not an isolated, individual event but rather a Perpetrators of domestic violence can be found in all age, racial, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, linguistic, educational, occupational and religious groups. Domestic violence is found in all types of intimate relationships whether the individuals are of the same or opposite sex, are married or dating, or are in a current or past intimate relationship. There are two essential elements in every domestic violence situation: the victim and abuser have been intimately involved at some point in time, and the abuser consciously chooses to use violence and other abusive tactics to gain control over the victim. In some instances, the abuser may be female while the victim is male; domestic violence also occurs in gay and lesbian relationships. However, 95% of reported assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are committed by men against women (MTCAWA e-mail interview) "It is a terrible and recognizable fact that...
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...studies have demonstrated that children who experience or are exposed to domestic violence can lead to a range of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Past research has shown that children exposed to domestic violence especially abused children, can exhibit a variety of psychological problems which can include anxiety and depression (Self-Brown, Leblanc, David, 2015). The effects of children dealing with domestic violence persist into their adolescent ages and teens who were abused and or witnessed domestic violence are more likely to experience depression as well as other externalizing problems, such as violence perpetration and delinquency. With the exposure of domestic violence in childhood, it has been linked to a...
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...When it comes to Domestic violence, there is an automatic thought of just physical abuse. In an online course given by Innovative Educational Services, the course instructor defines domestic violence as “A pattern of coercive behavior designed to exert power and control over a person in an intimate relationship through the use of intimidating, threatening, harmful, or harassing behavior.” When hearing the words “Domestic Violence” people minds imagine a man abusing a woman in the worst way. Although women are the most effected by domestic violence, they are not the only ones that can be affected. Do individuals stop and think about a man playing the role as a victim? What about children that grows up in the household where domestic violence...
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...persistent problems that U.S. citizens have faced in recent times. Many factors have been diagnosed as the causes of homelessness. Advanced research done by many students and organizations have however proven that domestic violence, lack of affordable decent housing, and unemployment are the main causes of homelessness among people. These causes and their corresponding effects tend to make people miserable for most parts of their lives. I. Homelessness A. Increased rate in this problem B. Examples of situations of homelessness C. Main causes of this dilemma II. Domestic violence as one of the main causes of homelessness A. Various forms of domestic violence B. Main victims of this demeaning act C. Effects on domestic violence on victims III. Lack of decent, affordable housing as a contributing factor A. Continuous increase in rent as a main reason for this situation B. Eviction of tenants due to inability to afford rent C. The Impact of unaffordable housing on citizens IV. Unemployment as a major cause of homelessness. A. Rate of unemployment in our society B. The contribution of unemployment to the problem of homelessness C. Consequences of natural disasters on victims V. Conclusion A. Consequences of homelessness in the lives of people B. Possible solutions to the problem of homelessness C. Other options to choose if the situation persist THE MAIN CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF HOMELESSNESS In recent times, most people have encountered many problems in life...
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...Throughout the world domestic violence is recognized as a solemn human rights violation, which has a major effect on the lives of millions of women, men and children. Frequently domestic violence is hidden away behind closed doors, leaving the victims suffering in silence. Victims of domestic violence may be of any age, ethnicity, income level, or level of education. (Dryden-Edwards R, MD, page 3) Domestic violence has also been established to have no discrepancy of sex. This meaning that both male and female are found victimized by association of domestic violence. Among the ages between 16 and 59, 23 per cent of women and 15 per cent of men have been physically abused by former or current partners. (Gibbons, L page 1) In the article “Dealing with the effects of domestic violence”, the authors defined domestic violence as “any act of gender based violence, that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering,” to either men or women. (Bowlus A, McKenna, K and Gibbons L, page 4) Domestic violence can involve hitting, kicking, slapping, burning or scorching, the use of weapons or destruction of property; it often results in injury and can lead to death. Research has found that amongst the victims of murder, 76 per cent of women and 50 per cent of men were killed by people they knew (Bowlus A, McKenna, K and Gibbons L, page 1) Domestic violence includes threats of such acts of, oppression or subjective withdrawal of liberty, whether occurring...
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