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A Wife Among Wives: A Girl Sort Of

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Why Polygyny?
Polygyny is defined as marriage of one husband with more than one wife. Culture plays an enormous role in how this works and the relationship between the people involved. A movie clip from “A Wife Among Wives” and the fourth act from the podcast “I Enjoy being A Girl, Sort Of” both start out demonstrating cultural backgrounds. One is in a place where there is exposure to the elements where a family needs additional members than your average nuclear family. The other is from an urban setting where a woman married a man with multiple wives who not only shared responsibilities with each other but were also best friends. They each have their own benefits and challenges, and the descriptions that are given demonstrate multiple differences as well as similarities. …show more content…
With jobs such as herding, gardening, and building, the Turkana family honestly needs multiple wives. The family and animals need fresh water, food, and a place to stay, and someone is needed to stay home to hold down the fort and keep wild animals from coming to take away their supplies. It is this work that brought these five wive together in this family. By contrast, the other family have jobs of an urbanized culture. Unlike the previous, this polygynist marriage was a preference for Elizabeth instead of a necessity. Instead of work, it was a friendship that brought Elizabeth into this family in the first place. Her husband, Alex, had already married two of her close friends from college. Unlike the family from Turkana, where the first wife named Arwoto asked her husband to remarry for help with all the work, Alex made the choice to keep marrying. Another noticeable difference between the two families was the number of houses they lived in. The Turkana family all lived in one house which they worked on togeter, but the other family had one or two wives to a house depending on the room while the husband had his own

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...Á Assalato Wasallaamo ‘Alaika Yaa Rasool Allah À Wa ‘Alaa Aalika Wa As Haabika Yaa Noor Allah À Divorce and Waiting Period Author: Maulana Mohammed Shakir ‘Ali Noorie (Ameer – Sunni Dawat e Islami) Published by: Maktab e Taibah Markaz Ismail Habib Masjid 126, Kambekar St, Mumbai 3. Rights of Spouses Book Name: Compilation: Divorce and Waiting Period Maulana Mohammed Shakir ‘Ali Noorie. (Ameer- Sunni Dawat e Islami) Translation: Quantity: Price: Published: Hafiz Muhammed Salim Noorie (Canada) (Muballig, Sunni Dawat e Islami) Maktab e Taibah (Sunni Dawat e Islami), 2010 Copyright Reserved For further queries, please contact: WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS MAKTAB E TAIBAH Ismail Habib Masjid, 126 Kambekar St, Mumbai-3 Tel: 0091 22 23434366 U.K. MARKAZ S.D.I. Noor Mosque, Noor St, Preston, U.K. Tel: 0044 1772 881786 Website: 2 Rights of Spouses CONTENTS Literal Translation of Divorce.................................................................... 4 Conventional Meaning of Divorce............................................................ 4 Types of Divorce.......................................................................................... 4 Best (Ahsan) Divorce .................................................................................. 4 Good (Hasan) Divorce ................................................................................ 5 Reprehensible (Bad’i) Divorce ....................

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