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Abortion Research Paper


Submitted By jfazio5188
Words 1554
Pages 7
Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, usually before the embryo or fetus is capable of independent life. Therefore an abortion results in the death and/or murder of an embryo or fetus. Abortion is also illegal in many countries as it is destroying helpless and innocent children just because they are not capable of life. By killing these unborn infants, in my opinion, humans are actually hurting themselves. They are not allowing themselves to meet these identities and new personalities. Abortion is simply wrong. Every person on this earth is raised knowing the difference between right and wrong. We all know that murder is wrong, so why is abortion not wrong? People argue that it is not murder if the child is unborn, but abortion is murder. The fetus being destroyed is living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if a baby is killed a month before the birth, it is ok, but if it is killed a month after birth, it is murder? It is morally and strategically foolish, because we lose the middle when we talk about reproductive rights without reference to a larger moral and spiritual dimension, and we are unwilling to use language like transgression and redemption, or right and wrong. (Wolf 54) One of the main reasons abortions are immoral, is how they are so viciously conducted. Everyday innocent and harmless fetuses that very well could soon be laughing, lovable, and beautiful children are being brutally killed. One brutal form of an abortion is to cut the fetus into pieces with a sharp object and then, piece by piece, the cut up fetus is sucked from the uterus with a vacuum. Another form of abortion is bringing the fetus, feet first into the birth canal, then puncturing its skull with a sharp object and sucking out the brain tissue with a vacuum. The body parts such as the head, arms, legs, and torso are given letters, rather than referred to

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