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Biology Abortion Research Paper

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Frances Musone
Honors Biology

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy. This is a very controversial topic and there are many sides to this topic. Abortion can be performed in two different ways in a doctor’s office. You can either take pill or a doctor can do a surgical procedure. The pill is ingested. In the next 48 hours the recipient will have cramps and bleeding. This is the least invasive way of abortion and is similar to having a miscarriage. This can occur 5-10 weeks after your pregnancy. If you don't get abort in time, there is a second way. The second way is a in-clinic procedure where a trained doctor will basically use a suction tube to empty out the uterus.This is more invasive but it is quicker than the pill. …show more content…
This group of people believe that a woman should be able to get an abortion if she decides to hence pro-choice. They believe abortion is a right rather than a privilege. If it is your body you get to choose what you do with it.(Abortion) They also hypothesize that if abortions become illegal that mothers will go to far length to get one. That means they could go to malpractices where it is usually unsanitary.Out of the 25 million unsafe abortions each year, about 7 million of them had complications. These ranged from infection to heavy bleeding to the damage of the vagina and other organs when sharp objects such as sticks, knitting needles, or broken glass are used to perform the abortion. In most developed countries where abortions are legal and safe, there is a decreased percentage of complications. It shows that when abortion is legal it leads to cleaner facility which makes the procedure less …show more content…
Pro-life supporters feel that is you have sex that is unprotected, the woman should follow through with the pregnancy. The biggest argument with pro-lifers is that the mother is killing a life. They believe that every embryo is viable enough and deserves to become a functioning human in society. They also use the fact that after 3-4 weeks after fertilization the heart beats and most pro-life supporters surmise at that point life begins. And since life has already started, the woman is killing it when getting an abortion. This perpetuates a culture where human life is disposable and that women can get rid of anything is an inconvenience for her. There is also medical implications after you get an abortion.(Abortion) 15% of women who have a baby after an abortion have a miscarriage in the first trimester. Another study found that there was a correlation between breast cancer and abortion. It stated that women who have had abortions have an increased chance of getting breast cancer.(WHO) Next women could get selective abortions based off of genetic abnormalities which is basically discriminating against a human. These are allowed because the Americans with Disabilities Act only covers people born with disabilities. Studies show that 80% of women with a fetus with Down syndrome choose to have an abortion. Pro - Life supporters also think that the fetus can feel

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