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Active Listening Analysis

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I felt like the computer therapist was helpful in the active listening aspect. Through the computer just listening to me and trying to dig deeper into my feelings I was able to actually put my troubles into words. I was able to better uderstand my own troubles. I don't talk about them often, so I try not to dwell on them, which is why as I was typing I was also discovering my own problems. However a real drawback is not seeing a face. Seeing someone actively listening to you, and actually seeing the empathy on their face is really motivating when telling your story. Not to mention you know it's not going to actually "listen." You won't get the Unconditional positive regard, where someone is actively accepting and respecting your words. I did have some issues where the therapist just reworded my previous sentance, and used it as a question. I don't know if that was just because I worded my sentances wrong, or if it's a glitch in the system.

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I really just need the therapist to listen and to form my own ideas. It's amazing the conclusion you can reach when you say your issues out loud. But it really depends on the issues the client is facing, and what their needs are. I think active listening is the best nondirective technique. You'd be amazed by how many people that don't have someone to just listen to them. For example many elderly people often don't have anyone willing to listen to them, or maybe there is no one there to listen. If you notice when they go to the store they seem to talk the cashier's ear off. These people would greatly benefit from active listening. Just to have someone to listen

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