...Substance abuse is the destructive pattern of use of any substance for mood altering purposes, which leads to addiction and many other potentially serious problems (NCDHHS). Substance abuse is not limited to the abuse of drugs; it also includes inhalants, alcohol and solvents. In reality, nearly any substance can be abused (NCDHHS). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the abuse of illicit drugs and psychotherapeutics has increased; with 9.2 % of the population over the age twelve having abused some substance. Not surprisingly, there has been a rapid increase, (due to its easy access) in the use of marijuana (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014). Whilst there is no definitive cause of substance abuse, there are a myriad of factors that can trigger it. Socioeconomic status, family history, child abuse, depression, low self-esteem, stress; these are but a few reasons that can trigger substance abuse in an individual. Having relationships with people who use abuse substances, or accept their use as normal can also lead a person to develop substance abuse issues (Robinson, Smith &Saisan, 2014). There is no precise way to determine if someone will or does abuse substances, but there are some things one can look for and identify as indicators of substance abuse. Lack of interest in activities, depression, taking unnecessary risks, becoming drunk or high regularly, preplanning substance abuse, needing more and more substances to get drunk or high and blacking...
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...Running Head: Alcohol and Substance Abuse 1 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Special Populations Lynne Trevisan September 14, 2013 Alcohol and Substance Abuse 2 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Alcohol and substance abuse is a very big problem in the United States. Many times it is the root cause of other problems exists in our lives. It not only affects the individuals’ physical and mental abilities, but it also affects the lives of family members. Therapy starts with the individual wanting to get better, and also with the members of the community taking notice of the vulnerable population in their neighborhoods, and surrounding communities. In this presentation, we will identify the people who are, or maybe most vulnerable to alcohol and substances, for whatever the reason might be, and identify the causes that make them vulnerable. We will look to implement a program into the community that will focus on prevention, and treatment in long term continuum program of therapy. These population groups, those who suffer from alcohol and drug use are most vulnerable because, there are limited jobs, leaders, and community cohesiveness. With limited jobs coming into the community, many people suffer from depression, and many times this is what starts the drinking or drug use. It might be a reaction to a problem that was already under the surface, lying dormant in a person’s sole, but the truth is, this problem only become worse once depression...
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...SOLVING BP’S PROBLEMS REGARDING THE GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL Presented to Board of Directors Oil and Energy Company, BP Prepared by John Molson School of Business Representative Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting Major March 23, 2011 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 23, 2011 TO: Board of Directors, Oil and Energy Company, BP FROM:, , Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting Major SUBJECT: SOLVING BP’S PROBLEMS REGARDING THE GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL Here is the report regarding the oil spill catastrophe that resulted from the explosion of Deepwater Horizon, which took place on April 20th 2010. The damages caused by this mishap are assessed and analyzed in this report. This report also includes recommendations made by experts in the specified fields relating to solving the issues brought fourth by this aforementioned spill. Despite the horrific consequences that have affected the global environment, BP’s reputation and BP’s financial assets due to this oil spill, certain efforts must be made on PB’s part in order to maintain a healthy environment for all living organisms on this planet. The information gathered in this report explores the methods at which BP could engage in this restoration process. Different methods that can be used to clean up the oil spill will be investigated in order to derive the best possible solution for BP. I am grateful towards BP’s board of directors for accepting...
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...1. Par „The Body Shop” «The Body Shop» 1976.gadā Lielbritānijā dibināja Anita Rodika (Anita Roddick), izveidojot nelielu mājās gatavotas kosmētikas ražotni. Pateicoties unikālai uzņēmuma filosofijai, «The Body Shop» izveidojies par starptautisku kosmētikas uzņēmumu, kas pašlaik darbojas 60 pasaules valstīs. Atšķirībā no daudzām citām kompānijām šīs kosmētikas industrijas pārstāvji pauž savu nostāju ētikas normu ievērošanā. Produkcijas ražošana balstās uz pieciem principiem: * neviena kosmētiskās produkcijas sastāvdaļa netiek testēta uz dzīvniekiem; arī iepērkot kādas sastāvdaļas no citām kompānijām, šis princips tiek pārbaudīts un ievērots; * tirdzniecības veicināšana ar trūcīgajām kopienām pasaulē, tādējādi palīdzot to ekonomiskajā attīstībā. Izejvielas iepērk gan Afrikā, gan arī attīstīto valstu trūcīgajos rajonos. Piemēram, Somijas ziemeļos ievāc mellenes, ko izmanto krēmu ražošanā. Šiem ļaudīm piedāvā cilvēka cienīgu samaksu; * cilvēka pašapziņas celšana. «The Body Shop» piedāvā sievietēm, vīriešiem un bērniem paredzētus ādas kopšanas līdzekļus, matu kosmētiku un dekoratīvo kosmētiku. Tā ir prestiža masu produkcija un ražota galvenokārt no dabīgām izejvielām. Kosmētikas firma nodarbojas arī ar labdarību, tiek rīkotas dažādas akcijas, kampaņas un semināri pret vardarbību un cilvēktiesību neievērošanu; * vēršanās pret planētas piesārņojumu. «The Body Shop» produkcija tiek iepildīta vienkāršos plastmasas trauciņos, kas ir otrreiz pārstrādājami. Veikalā...
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...CSAT TIP 42 because of the credibility and cost associated with the assessment. When this tool is used the clinician should be able to identify “Red Flags” that are associated with the client. An assessment tool that the learner would like to use is the CSAT TIP 42. The Learner would use this tool because of the credibility of the assessment and cost associated with the assessment. The learner would like to use the screening for Mental Health and the one associated with alcohol abuse. The learner would also like to rule out the possibility of any physical or biological issues that may be causing Marifel her problems. Next, Next, web based assessments will researched. This will be done in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI). The ADAI is a good tool for clinicians to help find other instruments that are used for screening and substance abuse assessment. These forms/ assessments can be downloaded and performed on the client. One of the newest forms and assessments that are on the website is Opioid Craving scale (OCS) which would be very beneficial to Merifel. Evaluation of Assessment Tools Select and evaluate at least two assessment tools for each of the following: Two Addiction Assessment or Screening that could be used by the clinician would be Opioid Craving Scale (OCS) which is basically a measure to help measure the opioid cravings. These cravings are completed on a scale of 0-10. The assessment will measure how much cravings occur, the desire of the...
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...Running Head: Application of Community Health APPLICATION OF COMMUNITY HEALTH & POPULATION-FOCUSED NURSING Ann Coddington Western Governors University Abstract This paper focuses on the health status of Yakima Valley in Washington State from numerous published data and interviews. A. Identification of Community/Windshield Survey This paper focuses on the health status of the Yakima Valley in Washington state. Yakima Valley is located in Washington state 150 miles southeast of Seattle. Yakima is the largest city in the county. The 2010 census places the city as the ninth largest city in Washington. The city's total population is 91000 and with a metropolitan population of 243,231. The Yakima county is divided into upper and lower valleys. The city of Yakima is in the upper valley which is more urbanized. The lower valley is less populated and has more agriculture. Yakima Valley is an agricultural community noted for wine, apple and hop production. This area produces 77% of all the hops grown in the United States. ( Yakima County, 2012) The Yakima River is the primary water source for irrigation. The river runs from its source at Lake Keechelus to the Columbia River. Yakima Valley has a steppe or semi-arid climate. Because of the semi-arid climate, vegetation is dominated by grasses or shrubs. Precipitations are low year round with only...
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...Äîêëàä ïî çîîëîãèè íà òåìó ÄÈÍÎÇÀÂÐÛ ( ÆÈÂÎÒÍÛÅ ÄÐÅÂÍÎÑÒÈ ó÷åíèêà 8 «À» êëàññà Íàçàðîâà Ñåðãåÿ. Ìîñêâà, 1999  1843 ãîäó â ïåñ÷àíûõ ïëèòàõ ãåîëîãè÷åñêèõ îòëîæåíèé Êîííåêòèêóòà (øòàò íà âîñòîêå ÑØÀ) ïàëåîíòîëîãè îáíàðóæèëè ñëåäû êàêèõ-òî ÷óäîâèùíûõ ïòèö.  ñðàâíåíèè ñ ýòèìè ìåòðîâûìè ëàïèùàìè, îñòàâèâøèìè ñâîè îòïå÷àòêè â êàìåííîé ëåòîïèñè Çåìëè, íîãà ñëîíà îêàçàëàñü ìèíèàòþðíîé. Êàêîãî æå ðîñòà «ïòè÷êè» ðàñõàæèâàëè ïî áåðåãó äîèñòîðè÷åñêîãî ìîðÿ? Ýòî áûëè íå ïòèöû.  ìåçîçîéñêîé ýðå èñòîðèè Çåìëè, ñ þðñêîãî ïåðèîäà (ïðèáëèçèòåëüíî 200`000`000 ëåò íàçàä) äî êîíöà ìåëîâîãî ïåðèîäà (îêîëî 70`000`000 ëåò íàçàä), íà íàøåé ïëàíåòå æèëè ãèãàíòñêèå ÿùåðû. Èíûå èç íèõ, êàê êåíãóðó, áåãàëè íà çàäíèõ ëàïàõ. Ñëåäû èõ ïîõîäèëè íà ïòè÷üè. Ýòî áûëî óäèâèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ! Íèêîãäà ïðåæäå Çåìëÿ íå âèäåëà òàêèõ ÷óäîâèù è åäâà ëè óâèäèò âíîâü. È ñóøà, è ìîðå, è âîçäóõ áûëè îòäàíû èì âî âëàäåíèÿ. Áåñêðàéíèå õâîéíûå è ïàïîðîòíèêîâûå ëåñà áûëè çàñåëåíû âñåâîçìîæíûìè ÿùåðàìè. Îíè ëåòàëè ìåæäó äåðåâüÿìè íà êîæèñòûõ, ñëîâíî ïåðãàìåíòíûõ, êðûëüÿõ. Ïî ïîëÿíàì øíûðÿëè þðêèå è ïðîâîðíûå äèíîçàâðû âåëè÷èíîé ñ êóðèöó, à â áîëîòå ìåäëåííî, ïåðåâàëèâàÿñü ñ áîêó íà áîê, êîïîøèëîñü îãðîìíîå, êàê äîì, æèâîòíîå. Âèäû äèíîçàâðîâ. Çà ÷åòûðå ìèëëèàðäà ëåò ñóùåñòâîâàíèÿ æèçíè Çåìëÿ íå çíàëà äðóãèõ ñòîëü æå êðóïíûõ ñîçäàíèé, êàê áðàõèîçàâð è áðîíòîçàâð. Íåóêëþæåå, òî÷íî êîëîäà, òóëîâèùå âåñîì â äåñÿòêè òîíí ïîääåðæèâàëè ìàññèâíûå êîëîííû-íîãè. Êàæäàÿ íîãà â äâîå âûøå ÷åëîâåêà...
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...Two Views of Soul: Aristotle and Descartes* THEODORE TRACY, SJ. What first attracted my interest to a possible comparison was the realization that, unlike Plato, both Aristotle and Descartes shared the view that, first, there is but a single soul and, second, that this soul operates principally through a single specific bodily organ. Given his own understanding, I believe Descartes could agree totally with Aristotle's statement that the soul's "essential nature cannot be * This paper was originally presented at the University of South Carolina in April 1981' as a contribution to a symposium on "Soul and Mind in Ancient Philosophy," organized by Professor Rosamond Kent Sprague. 248 Illinois Classical Studies, XI corporeal; yet it is also clear that soul is present in a particular bodily part, and this one of the parts having control over the rest":' dfiXou 6ri ovx oihv r' tivai adua rffv ovtriau ocvrfiq, aW 5fi(t)c, Sri 7' iv tlvl tov (TUifiaToq inrapxii^ nopiw (t>avtpbv, kcu iv tovtw tivi twv ixovruiv bvvafiiv eV roJq nopioic,. {Parva Naturalia 467b 13- 16) For Aristotle, as we know, that particular controlling organ is the heart. In his treatise On Memory, for example, Aristotle declares that in animals, including man, "the source and control center {otpxvY of both the sensitive and nutritive soul must be in the heart": apayKT) Koi rrfc, ataQr]TiKr\c, kou rriq dpeirTLKfic, ^vxri<i ^v ry Kapb'ux rffv otpxw etW. {PN 469a5-7) Again, in the De Partibus...
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...¾-¼Ã ÂÛ JINGJILUNTAN ̳ 1980 Äê ·¨¹úÀ× Ãס¤Âí¶¡ ¼¯ÍÅÓëÌì ½òºÏ×Ê³É Á¢ÖÐ ·¨Íõ³¯ÆÏÌÑÄð¾ÆÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾£¬ À-¿ªÁ˸ĸ↑·Åºó·¨¹ú¶Ô ÎÒ¹úÖ±½ÓͶ×ʵÄÏȺӡ£ÈýÊ®¶àÄêÀ´£¬ ·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÍ¶×ʲ» ½ö³ÉΪÎÒ¹úÍâ×ʵÄÖØÒªÀ´Ô´£¬ Ò²³ÉΪÎÒ¹úѧϰÏȽø¼¼ ÊõºÍ¹ÜÀí¾-ÑéµÄÖØҪ;¾¶¡£ »ùÓÚ·¨¹úÔÚ¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×Ê ÖеĵØ룬 Ô¼°Öйú½ü¼¸Äê¾-¼ÃµÄ¸ßËÙ·¢Õ¹£¬ ÔÏÂÎÊÌâ Ò Ò ÖµµÃÎÒÃÇÉîÈëÑо¿£º ·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ÊÊÇÈçºÎ·¢Õ¹±ä »¯µÄ£¿·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ÊÓëÖз¨Á½¹ú¾-¼ÃÔö³¤Ö®¼äÊÇ Êǵ¥ÏòµÄ»¹ÊÇË« ·ñ´æÔÚ×ÅÒò¹û¹Øϵ£¿ÈôÓÐÒò¹û¹Øϵ£¬ ÏòµÄ£¿¶ÔÕâЩÎÊÌâµÄ̽ÌÖÓÐÖúÓÚÎÒÃǿ͹ÛÆÀ¼Û·¨¹ú¶Ô »ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ʵľ-¼ÃЧӦ£¬ ׼ȷ°ÑÎÕδÀ´·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÍ¶×Ê ¶øÇÒÒ²¶Ô´Ù½øÁ½¹ú¾-ó¹Øϵ¸üºÃµÄ·¢Õ¹ÓÐ×Å µÄÇ÷ÊÆ£¬ ÖØÒªµÄÏÖʵÒâÒå¡£ Ò» ¡¢ ¹ú ¶Ô »ª Ö± ½Ó Ͷ ×Ê µÄ ·¢ Õ¹ ×´ ¿ö ·¨ ÒÔ¿´³ö£¬Ö±µ½ 1993 ÄêÒÔÇ°£¬·¨¹úÔÚ»ªÊµ¼ÊͶ×ʶ²» ¶à¡£ÕâÓëÁ½¹úÔÚ´ËÆÚ¼äµÄÕþÖÎÒòËØÓйء£¸ù¾Ý·¨À¼Î÷ ÒøÐеÄͳ¼Æ£¬ ØÖÁ 1993 Äêµ×£¬¨¹úÔÚ»ªÍ¶×ÊÏîÄ¿ÀÛ¼ÆΪ ½ · 500 ¶à¸ö£¬-Òé½ð¶î 9 ÒÚ¶àÃÀÔª£¬µ¼ÊͶ×ÊΪ 6 ÒÚ¶àÃÀÔª¡£ Ð Ê £¬ µÚ¶þ½×¶Î£º ¿ìËÙÔö³¤½×¶Î £¨1994-2000 Ä꣩ ÓÉÓÚÁ½ ¹úÕþ¸®µÄŬÁ¦£¬994 ÄêÖз¨Á½¹úÕþ¸®Ç©ÊðÁËË«±ß¹Øϵ 1 Õý³£»¯µÄ ¡¶ÁªºÏ¹«±¨¡· Öз¨¹ØϵÖØÐÂÉýΣ¬ 1994 Äê £¬ ´Ó 1994 ÄêÖÁ 2000 Äê·¨¹ú¶Ô Æ𣬠¨¹úÕýʽȫÃæ¶Ô»ªÍ¶×Ê¡£ · »ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ÊÔöÊÆѸÃÍ£¬ Ú 1999 Äê´ïµ½ÁËÀúÄêͶ×ʵÄ×î Ô 2 ¸ß¶î¡£¸ù¾ÝÅ·ÃËͳ¼Æ¾Ö¹«²¼£¬000 Äê·¨¹úÔÚ»ªÖ±½ÓͶ ×ÊÏîÄ¿ 136 ¸ö£¬ -ÒéͶ×ʶî 5.1 ÒÚÃÀÔª£¬ µ¼ÊͶÈë 5.9 ÒÚ Ð Ê ÃÀÔª£¬ ൱ÓÚ 1993 ÄêÒÔÇ°·¨¹úÔÚ»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ʵÄ×ܶ Ï £¬ µÚÈý½×¶Î£º ÇúÕÛ·¢Õ¹½×¶Î £¨2001-2007 Ä꣩ ÓÉͼ 1 ¿ÉÒÔ¿´³ö£¬ 2001 Ä꿪ʼ£¬ ´Ó ·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ʳöÏÖÁË ´ó·ùϽµ£¬ Ó 2001 ÄêÖÁ 2005 Ä꣬ ¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ÊÂÔ ´ · 1.·¨¹ú¶Ô»ªÖ±½ÓͶ×ʵÄÊýÁ¿±ä»¯ ·¨¹ú²»½öÊǵ±½ñÊÀ½ç¾-¼Ã´ó¹úÒ²ÊÇóÒ×´ó¹ú£¬...
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Words: 29642 - Pages: 119
...DE_SUPERNOVA-_BintanG_jatuH SUPERNOVA Episode: Ksatria, Puteri, dan BintanG jatuH © 2000 Pee H Proof Reader Prof. Dr. Fuad Hassan Hernia wan Aksan Tata Letak Muhammad Roniyadi (thatkid20@yahoo.com) Desain Sampul Tepte (teple@imatrekkie.com) Foto Dissy Ekapramudita Penerbit Truedee Books X Patrakomala no. 57, Bandung 40113, Indonesia Tel/Fax. 62-22-4213691 http://www.truedee.com E-mail: Dooks@truedee.com Hotfine Customer Service: 081-22141015 Pre-press Polar Repro Bandung Percetakan Gpta Cekas Grafika - Bandung Osakanl : Februari 2001 /CefakanU -Maret 2001 hafalan IH : April 2001 Cetakan IV :Juni2001 **«anV ; November 2001 Katalog Dalam Terbitan i ¦fe^'S ^ Bi,Mn* BMK,un8: T»*, Books; 200. $&96257-0-X JudulEngkaulah getar pertama yang meruntuhkan gerbang tak berujungku mengenal Hidup.Engkaulah tetes embun pertama yang menyesatkan dahagaku dalam Cinta tak bermuara.Engkaulah matahari Firdausku yang menyinari kata pertama di cakrawala aksara. Kau hadir dengan ketiadaan. Sederhana dalam ketidakmengertian. Gerakmu tiada pasti. Namun aku terus di sini. Mencintaimu. Entah kenapa. (catatan di satu pagi buta di atas atap rumah tetangga) Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasat 44: Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1987 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-undang Nomor 6 tahun 1982 Tentanq Hak Cipta Barangsiapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak mengumumkan atau memperbanyak suatu ciptaan atau memberi izin untuk itu, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak 8p 100.000...
Words: 53406 - Pages: 214
...SCHAUM’S outlines SCHAUM’S outlines Linear Algebra Fourth Edition Seymour Lipschutz, Ph.D. Temple University Marc Lars Lipson, Ph.D. University of Virginia Schaum’s Outline Series New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2009, 2001, 1991, 1968 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-154353-8 MHID: 0-07-154353-8 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-154352-1, MHID: 0-07-154352-X. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please e-mail us at bulksales@mcgraw-hill.com. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies,...
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