Free Essay

Advantages of Television


Submitted By srazzle
Words 616
Pages 3
ENC 1101
27 October 2015
In today’s society, television plays such a significant role in peoples everyday lives. It is almost impossible to imagine how society would live if there was no television. Television is one of the most important sources of information in today’s world. There is a very slim chance that you will meet a family in America that doesn’t have a television in their household. There are many entertaining, educational, and cultural aspects to television. To begin with, one of the main reasons television is so popular is because of how entertaining it can be. For both children and adults, there are such a wide variety of programs the viewers can choose to something that they are interested in. After a long day of work people like to relax and spend time with their friends and family. Watching entertaining television shows can give families something to bond over. All there is to do is press a button, sit comfortably in a chair, and enjoy the show. For example, The Big Bang Theory is a show most people love to watch in their free time. It is a comedy that people find hilarious, which makes it great to watch for people who just want to unwind and have a laugh. George Lopez is also a very famous show that has been playing on television for many years. It has a lot of comedy, and every episode has a life lesson that people can relate to, which makes it very entertaining to watch. Watching shows like Big Bang Theory and George Lopez can help people de stress and relax. Furthermore, television has become an excellent source for education in today’s society. Many television shows teach children how to work with shapes, how to read, and even learn different languages. For example, Dora the Explorer is a popular show that provides many skills for children to learn. In this program, children are learning a second language, context clues, and critical thinking. There is also the show Sesame Street, which has become one of the most watched shows for young children and toddlers. This show teaches children life values and scholastic skills. It prepares children for preschool by helping them learn their alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes. For a more general audience, there are educational programs such as the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. Discovery Channel focuses on science, health, technology, and history. Where as Animal Planet teaches people all about the different animals around the world by giving facts and information about them. These channels give very educational information to the viewers. Additionally, television opens minds to different people and cultures. One of the most popular programs watched is the news. Today, there are various news channels to view on television, such as the CNN Headlines, or Fox News. One of the main reasons why so many people own a television set at home is to watch the news. This helps people keep up with events around the world, and lets people be aware of what happens in society. Such as details and facts about war, crime, government, and weather. There are many other sources to find out the news of the day but television news is much more effective. It’s easier for people to understand and much more convenient. For people who are always rushing in the morning, turning on the television and listening is much more effective than trying to read a newspaper. Overall, television is a good and healthy source for entertainment, education, and for finding out what is going on in the world. With that being said, television is one of the most popular and recognized inventions in today’s society.

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