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Af 335 Investment


Submitted By abieva
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AF 335: Investments: Fall 2011 Stock Analysis Project Guidelines
Final Paper Due: Thursday, December 8th at the beginning of class.
See your syllabus for late penalties. Late penalties will accrue based on the submission of your hard copy - even if you email me your write-up by the deadline, I will not count it as submitted until I have a hard copy.

Goals: The goal of this project is to evaluate a stock using multiple different models and fundamental analysis and to develop an understanding about how stock values are affected by news and how news and economic data affect your expectations for a stock’s future performance. The objective is to come up with a Buy/Hold/Sell recommendation.

Groups: This project may be done individually or in groups of two.

Company Selection: Each team must choose a different company. Inform me of your company selection via this link: I recommend that you choose a company whose business and operations you know and understand. This will help you in developing your model.

Valuation: Use the following valuation techniques: • Valuation by Comparables/Fundamental Analysis – compare relevant financial ratios and data of your company to a competitor and the industry. • Dividend Growth Model o Remember to use multiple stages if they apply. o Think about changes in payout that may occur as the company goes through its life stages (see CH 13, page 405-410). • HPR vs CAPM return or Intrinsic Value vs Price

CAPM: YOU will have to decide what parameters to use for the CAPM. You must choose, and JUSTIFY YOUR CHOICES, for: Beta, Risk free rate, Market risk premium
Note: there are no WRONG choices for these parameters if they have a solid, reasonable explanation.

News 1. Company-specific news: Use WSJ to collect news and information on the macro-economy and financial markets and your stock, its industry and its competitors. Watch performance of your stock in response to news. Share and Save articles in “My Journal” so that you can share with teammates and reference them later. For each article, provide your assessment of how the event reported impacted your company, major competitors and the industry and how that news impacted you valuation model for your stock.

2. Market News and Economic Data: Your stock’s future performance depends on the future strength of the market and the economy. Following the news will help you come up with your expectaions about the future of the market and the economy. Read the news and keep track of economic data on WSJ “Economy” site.

Other Resources: Your textbook will provide you with the basis of your analysis. A good starting point is Valueline data (as was used in Honda’s valuation in the text). You can access this online through the library’s research database. There are many other financial resources on the web which you may consult, however, BE SURE TO DOCUMENT YOUR SOURCES APPROPRIATELY.

1. Submit a hard copy and email me BOTH your write-up and spreadsheet
2. On the last page of your write up, provide links to your primary data sources.

Please be sure to document your sources and to follow the regulations and procedures regarding Academic Standards, Cheating, Plagiarism, and the Documentation of Written Work in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog at UMass Boston. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will, fail either the assignment in question or the course and will have a description of the incident attached to his or her academic records.

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