...The African American male appeared to have a lot of family support. The African American family reared in high family values with support from relatives; with the positive influences from his family, he will be successful in controlling and managing his diabetes. However, the Hispanic female did not have the support from her family. According to Friedman, Bowden, and Jones (2003), Hispanics view themselves as members of families first, rather than individuals. Without the support of her family, this individual diabetes will probably be uncontrolled and at high risk of developing organ complications. Family religious belief and faith gave the family strength not to give up on the young man. This particular family has a strong acceptance...
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...death of a family member or friend is far most one of the most tragic experiences anyone has to deal with. During this process, it is important that families deal with it accordingly. Grief is a process that individual’s go through when healing and recovering from a death. Although it is a normal process, it takes time and it cannot be rushed. While ignoring the pain of a sudden death, only makes the process worst in the future. In order to receive effective healing, it is essential to actively deal with the issue and face grief (Zafar & Mubashir, 2012). Although death is a natural process in life, it affects individuals differently. The way individuals tend to deal with certain issues revolve around different characteristics that are a part of them,...
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...Leeker ENG111 2/25/14 Poverty and Homelessness: An Annotated Bibliography. “Black Parents Demand ‘World-Class’ Education, Too.” Washington Informer. 20. Mar 2013. ProQuest. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. In the article ‘World-Class Education’, it said that education need to be affordable for the community of African American. Some African American children are dropout which had damaged the community. Without education, the middle class people would not be able to sustain their family which can lead to society loss. Parents need to back their children education and to avoid them from dropping out of school. The source wants the middle-class to educate themselves so that they could have greater life for themselves and their family. It pressure parents and children to get educated. I would use this article for my research paper because it explain how lack of education lead to poverty and homelessness. It also discussed the importance of education in the African American community and how it can prevent poverty and homelessness. This source is credible because it demanded quality education for the middle class and African American. The author had written many articles about education in the middle-class communities. Many of these articles could be find in the education database at the Nova library. Doak J. Melissa. Ed. “Money, Income, and Poverty Status.’ Minorities: Race and Ethnicity in America. 2012. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Information plus Reference Series...
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...African American's Journey Essay Below is a free essay on "African American's Journey" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. “African American’s Journey to Freedom” Charity Johnson HIS204: American History since 1865 Instructor: Leslie Ruff February 11, 2013 “African American’s Journey to Freedom” To some African Americans it may seem ironic that The United States of America is known as “the land of the free” considering that majority of their ancestors entered the US as slaves. African Americans were brought to North America via the middle passage which originated during the fifteenth century. They were enslaved for approximately 400 hundred years until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Although African Americans were enslaved in America, they were determine to survive and one day be freed in this great country. During The African American’s journey to freedom several significant events took place which was inclusive of but not limited to: The Civil Rights Movement of 1865-1877, Separate but Equal Legislation (Plessy vs. Ferguson court case) in 1896, The Harlem Renaissance of 1920, Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, The March on Washington Movement of 1963, and The Black Power Movement of the late 1960s and 1970. I will discuss the significance of these events in relation to the African American journey to freedom and how they have help shape American society today. THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF 1865-1877 Frequently when...
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...African Americans and Chemical Dependency Name: Insitution: African Americans and Chemical Dependency Abstract Chemical dependence is the use of chemicals, which may include alcohol, drugs, and other substances that may affect normal physiologic or psychological processes, in an uncontrolled, compulsive way. It is often referred to as substance abuse. Substance abuse has been the subject of many a discussion, due to the adverse effect it has on human health, relationships, and many other spheres of human life. This paper will evaluate the incidence and prevalence of substance abuse in differing populations, with a special emphasis on African Americans. This paper will also review the steps of care that victims of chemical dependency are taken through in the rehabilitation program, with a focus on Africa American populations. Additionally, the paper will review the professional resources that are used in the treatment of chemical dependency victims among African Americans, and finally, the paper will explore the issues that impact treatment and recovery from chemical dependency among African Americans. African Americans and Chemical Dependency African Americans have historically been consistently ranked among the racial/ethnic groups with the highest rates of substance abuse. In recent years, however, the statistics seem to have improved when compared to overall ratings. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), alcohol use seems...
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...Dimensions and Critical Issues of Child Maltreatment in the African American Community: Causation, Consequences, and Prospects Presenter: Respondent: Joyce N. Thomas, R.N., M.P.H. Robert Pierce, Ph.D. Introduction African Americans, the largest minority population in the United States, suffer disproportionately from preventable diseases and deaths—(Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health, 1994). This statement from the Office of Minority Health not only captures the tragic problem of health related issues of African Americans, it also applies to the social welfare problems of these children and their families. Each year over 2,000 children die at the hands of their parents or caretakers (U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1995). Abuse and neglect in the home are considered one of the leading causes of death for children four years of age and younger and the largest number of child abuse fatalities is due to severe head trauma. Homicide statistics are only part of the grim reality, with near–fatal abuse and neglect accounting for more than 18,000 permanently disabled children, and approximately 142,000 serious injuries (Baladerian, 1991). Findings from the report, A Nation’s Shame: Fatal Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States, indicate that African Americans are overrepresented in both fatalities and near–fatal injuries (U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1995). Research shows that child deaths from physical trauma are most...
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...the ancient slave trade. Majority of the Africans brought to the united states as at the 17th century, were brought as slaves who were aleggedly taken away from their homeland in several areas of Africa. African Families were separated through buying and seling of Africans by whites (slaves). Upon arrival to the united states, Africans wrere made to suffer, they were beaten, tortured, whipped, lynched by the hands of their white masters. For few of the Africans who were allowed to be free, they were deprived of so many rights. Although slavery was abolished by the 13th amendment, the result of it which is racism is still a major issue in the united states today. Some may argue that the abolishment of slavery also took away racism. The four outlined proof and evidence stated in this research paper proves that racism still exists in the united states. The issue is whether racism and discrimination still exists in the United States. Claim: Yes, Racism and discrimination still exists in the united states. Although slavery was ultimately outlawed and laws prohibiting discrimination against African-Americans passed, racism against this community remains and is manifested in more subtle ways today....
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...Proposal for Structured Inequality of African American Men Sylvia Roberson DeVry University Proposal for Structured Inequality of Incarcerated African American Men For the proposal project, I chose scenario number three. This scenario consists of the large discrepancy of African American men incarcerated in the United States compared to Hispanic and White American men. According to the scenario “in 2003 about 10.4 of African American men between the ages of 25 to 29 were incarcerated, as compared to 2.4% of Hispanic men and 1.2% of non-Hispanic White men” (DeVry, 2014, p. 3). There is an epidemic in today’s society that negatively impact African American men in the justice system. Equality is a right that every United States (U.S.) citizen should be afforded whether in the work system or the justice system. With African American men being treated unfairly, it can directly affect my friends, neighbors, or co-workers. According to Fernando (2003), “Cultural diversity is the term given to a range of societies or peoples, with different origins, religions and traditions, all living in a specific region” (p. 1). The U. S. have a large population of different cultures and they have form a community which they live in and practice their cultural beliefs. As for African American, this group has communities that are populated with their group as well. This topic is important to cultural diversity because this is a particular group that are being singled out which is related...
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...Women in Psychology Paper Johnny Williams PSY310 January 9, 2012 Lillian Fillpot Women in Psychology Paper A conversation of women in psychology can only be conducted with discussion of the many women who have contributed much of their lives to education as well as educating others with the knowledge that they have learned. This paper will define Inez Beverly Prosser, PhD, a woman who has made significant contributions to the field of psychology between the years 1850 and 1950. This paper will also cover and describe her background, theoretical perspective, and contributions to psychology. Inez Beverly Prosser was born on December 30th approximately 1895 within Texas; no one is for certain of her exact birth date all that is known is stated. Out of eleven brothers and sisters Inez was the first daughter to her parents. Her father, Samuel Andrew Beverly, always seem to find work as an attendant no matter where they moved to. Her mother, Veola Hamilton, stayed and turned their house into a beautiful home. The family continued to move when the children were little, first in 1900 to Yoakum in the south of Texas and in 1907 to Corpus Christi. Prosser and her oldest brother, Leon, came back to Yoakum to attend the high school. After finishing at the top of her class in 1910, Prosser enrolled at Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College to be found 45 miles northwest of Houston. In 1912, she graduated from College with a two year degree, and was now...
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...Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and Black (African) Decent Abstract This paper will identify how Mormons differ from other religious groups. Enlightening of the subject matters that pertain to their beliefs, practices, and how this religion group contributes to the American culture is the bases of the first part of the paper. This paper will also describe the discrimination and prejudice that the Mormons have to deal with because of their religion choice. This paper will also describe the African decent experience with discrimination and prejudice as well. Discrimination and prejudice takes place in all cultures and religions. People who are unwilling to understand and accept the difference that people share are going to allow this behavior to continue and pass it down from generation to generation. America is the melting pot for all ethnic backgrounds, including religions. Being more open minded and having understanding will allow us to break the stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination that we all have towards one another. Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and Black (African) Decent The United States, throughout history, has been a country of immigrants and a country of religion diversity. Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping in the Mormon and Black decent groups have been displayed throughout the changing times. The Mormons, who emerged after the discovery of The Book of Mormon in 1830, were run out of several states before settling in Utah. Blacks who were brought...
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...Running head: Educational Psychology Inez Beverly Prosser: Educational Psychology Cheyenne Williams Edward Waters College Abstract This paper will attempt to explore the background of Inez Beverly Prosser, her contributions and theoretical perspective in the field of modern psychology. Inez Beverly Prosser was arguably the first African American woman to earn a doctorate in psychology. She completed her dissertation in 1933, which examined personality differences in black children attending either voluntarily segregated or integrated schools. Inez Beverly Prosser: Educational psychology Inez Beverly Prosser, PhD, was born into a family of 11 children in the 19th century. Her year of birth is unknown, their father Samuel Andrew Beverly, worked as a waiter and her mother, Veola Hamilton, worked as a homemaker. The family moved throughout cities in Texas. Prosser grew up in south central Texas where she attended “colored schools” and developed a passion for education and the value it holds for changing lives. The family planned to send her older brother Leon to college, however they could only afford to send one of their children. Leon convinced his parents to pay for Prosser instead of him because he believed her passion for education was greater and later it proved to be a good investment. She contributed advice and money to help five of her sibling’s graduate college. Inez Prosser attended college at Prairie View A&M, a historically black college near...
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...Running head: Educational Psychology Inez Beverly Prosser: Educational Psychology Cheyenne Williams Edward Waters College Abstract This paper will attempt to explore the background of Inez Beverly Prosser, her contributions and theoretical perspective in the field of modern psychology. Inez Beverly Prosser was arguably the first African American woman to earn a doctorate in psychology. She completed her dissertation in 1933, which examined personality differences in black children attending either voluntarily segregated or integrated schools. Inez Beverly Prosser: Educational psychology Inez Beverly Prosser, PhD, was born into a family of 11 children in the 19th century. Her year of birth is unknown, their father Samuel Andrew Beverly, worked as a waiter and her mother, Veola Hamilton, worked as a homemaker. The family moved throughout cities in Texas. Prosser grew up in south central Texas where she attended “colored schools” and developed a passion for education and the value it holds for changing lives. The family planned to send her older brother Leon to college, however they could only afford to send one of their children. Leon convinced his parents to pay for Prosser instead of him because he believed her passion for education was greater and later it proved to be a good investment. She contributed advice and money to help five of her sibling’s graduate college. Inez Prosser attended college at Prairie View...
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...Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness Paper Nancy Estrada NURS440 April 7, 2014 Mr. Steadman McPeters, MSN, CPNP-AC, RN * * * Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness Paper I would like to introduce Yvonne Johnson. She is a 35-year-old African American woman raising15-year-old son Randall by herself. The father helps occasionally with child support, but it is Ms. Johnson who has primary custody of her son. Ms. Johnson works as an administrative assistant, however, she has a degree in marketing. Her job is stressful and although she has asked her boss to hire someone to help her, he has not done so. Ms. Johnson is unhappy with her job as she is clearly overqualified. She has not been able to find a job in marketing and does not want to move out of the area to look for employment because she’s lived there all her life and her family is there. Ms. Johnson’s family situation is not an uncommon one. According to Jacobson (2003), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated in a report that came in out in August, 2012, that approximately 67% of the African American homes in America children are being raised by the mothers. It is also suggested in "Incarceration Rate For African-Americans Now Six Times The National Average" (2013), that there are more African American males who are either uneducated or spend time in jail and therefore, this leaves the women little selection for a marriage partner. According to Culvert (2007) this same...
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...“Down Low”: Homosexuals in the African American Community: Why is it a Taboo Topic? Danielle Carter Senior Seminar HSU 498 Professor Hogan March 25, 2010 Abstract The phenomenon known as the “Down Low” among African American Men who have sex with Men has caused much concern among black community leaders, the general population, and not to mention HIV/AIDS researchers. There are questions which are not being addressed regarding communication patterns of stigmatized groups specifically the “Down Low” group. Why is there little research about the “Down Low”, when there is more than half AAMSM in this world? This paper will explain why so many African American men are on the “Down Low,” why there is a lack of communication when it comes to speaking about the “Down Low. This paper will also help Human Service workers learn how to help AAMSM and their families. “Down Low”: Homosexuals in the African American Community A Review of the Literature Today, while there are men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man's primary responsibility (Roscoe, 2008). The “Down Low” culture has grown in recent years out of the shadows and developed its own contemporary institutions for those who know where to look for example...
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...Wildeman (2014) explored the relationship between paternal and maternal incarceration and the prevalence of child homelessness. He found that paternal incarceration, not maternal incarceration, leads to child homelessness. The reason for this is because children whose mother are incarcerated are more likely to be put into foster care system, thus they are less likely to be homeless. On the other hand, paternal incarceration leads to a decline in governmental support, an increase in maternal stress and mental health issues, and an increase in financial instability in the family. Families lose one source of income when fathers are incarcerated, and African American men often have difficulties finding jobs after being released, thus increase the...
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