...Enchant Me 1.1 Delight me in surprising ways A beautiful surface, a carefully-placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect is a joy to experience. Subtle effects contribute to a feeling of effortlessness and a sense that a powerful force is at hand. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: 1.2 Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus Allow people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app. It reduces the cognitive effort needed to perform a task while making it more emotionally satisfying. Strongly agree Why: Strongly disagree 1.3 Let me make it mine People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control. Provide sensible, beautiful defaults, but also consider fun, optional customizations that don't hinder primary tasks. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: 1.4 Get to know me Learn peoples' preferences over time. Rather than asking them to make the same choices over and over, place previous choices within easy reach. Strongly agree Why: Strongly disagree 2 Simplify My Life 2.1 Keep it brief Use short phrases with simple words. People are likely to skip sentences if they're long. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: 2.2 Pictures are faster than words Consider using pictures to explain ideas. They get people's attention and can be much more efficient than words. Strongly agree Why: Strongly disagree 2.3 Decide for me but let me have the...
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... | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | Questions 2 through 7 relate to the FOCUS Instrument. | 2. Either of the top two FOCUS Work Interests describes me well. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | 3. I have interest in the careers suggested in the FOCUS Career Report. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | 4. The results of the FOCUS Work Interest Profile Summary are compatible with my current/intended major at Bloomsburg University. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | 5. The results of the FOCUS Work Interest Profile Summary reinforce my choice for a current/intended major at Bloomsburg University. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | 6. The results of the FOCUS Work Interest Profile Summary lead me to reevaluate my choice for a current/intended major at Bloomsburg University. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | | | | | | 7. The results of FOCUS Work Interest Profile Summary lead me to consider adding a minor or concentration to my current/intended major at Bloomsburg University. | O | O | O | O | O | Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree...
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...Company. It starts and ends with some questions about your satisfaction with various aspects of work and contains other questions about how you think and feel about The Company. Thank you for sharing your opinions. 1. Overall, how satisfied are you working for The Company? Extremely Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 2. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: I would recommend this company as a good place to work. Disagree Completely Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree Agree Completely 3. What I like best about working for The Company is... 4. Things that The Company should do to make it a better workplace are... 5. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements. Disagree Completely Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree (a) The Company clearly conveys its mission to its employees. (b) The Company clearly conveys the mission to its clients. (c) I agree with The Company's overall mission. (d) I understand how my job aligns with The Company's mission. (e) I feel like I am a part of The Company. (f) There is good communication from employees to managers in The Company. (g) There is good communication from managers to employees in The Company. 6. Overall, how satisfied are you working in your department? Extremely Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Somewhat...
Words: 776 - Pages: 4
...because they will affect you if you apply for them at any time in academic year 2013/14. If you don’t apply for these in academic year 2013/14 their specific terms and conditions will not affect you. ! Your application for financial support may be delayed unless you sign and date this declaration. General Declaration • I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided is true and complete. If it is not I understand I might be refused financial support, or prosecuted and my financial support withdrawn. • I agree to give my Education and Library Board (ELB) any information they require to process my application and agree to tell them immediately if my circumstances change in any way that might affect my entitlement to financial support. I understand that if I do not do this, I may not receive any further payments, and may have to repay the financial support I have already received. • I agree that in the event of receiving an overpayment of financial support, I am obligated to repay this in full. Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) • I understand that any equipment I receive through DSA must be used for my course of study and my ELB is not responsible for paying any repair costs. Childcare Grant • I understand that if I do not take up my childcare, or if I change to a childcare...
Words: 1313 - Pages: 6
...announcer to host a program on WFAN-AM (the “Station”), 345 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014 in the “WFAN Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Phenom” Promotion (the “Promotion”) being conducted between July 10, 2010 and August 27, 2010 at various locations throughout the New York City metropolitan area. I affirm and represent that as of the date of this Release, I am at least 18 years of age, and, in consideration of the Station permitting me to participate in the Promotion, which I acknowledge is good, valuable and sufficient consideration, I hereby agree as follows: 1. I agree to fully comply with all directions of Station and/or Buffalo Wild Wings (the “Sponsor”) personnel and any rules or guidelines established by the Station and/or the Sponsor regarding entry or participation in the Promotion, including, but not limited to, rules concerning safety of persons and property. Further, I recognize that if I fail to comply with the aforesaid, directions, rules or guidelines, the Station or the Sponsor, in either’s sole discretion, may disqualify me from participating in the Promotion and proceeding with my screening and/or audition(s), if any. Further, I shall assume any and all risks involved in or arising from my participation in the Promotion, including, without limitation, (i) the risk of death, bodily injury and property damage, and (ii) the negligence, failure to act and deliberate act of another person. 2. I have freely and voluntarily chosen to participate...
Words: 1646 - Pages: 7
...could not help but agree with both Downing and Covey. I agree with Covey and Downing that self-awareness is a crucial strategy to create success in one's life because you...
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...of 1 to 5, where 1 means –strongly disagree, 2 means –disagree, 3 means –neural, 4 means –agree and 5 means –strongly agree. Srl. | Statement | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1. | Toothpaste is valuable for me | | | | | | 2. | Toothpaste is relevant to me | | | | | | 3. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste tastes good. | | | | | | 4. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste gives me confidence to get close to people | | | | | | 5. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste gives me healthy teeth | | | | | | 6. | It is important to me that my toothpaste makes my teeth whiter | | | | | | 7. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste makes gives me dazzling smile | | | | | | 8. | It’s important to me that my tooth paste has herbal ingredient | | | | | | 9. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste protect me from all oral health problems | | | | | | 10. | It’s important to me that my toothpaste is recommended by dentist | | | | | | * These questions talks about your attitude towards your brand. It is on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means –strongly disagree, 2 means –disagree, 3 means –neural, 4 means –agree and 5 means –strongly agree. Srl. | Statement | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1. | My toothpaste protect my tooth from decay | | | | | | 2. | My toothpaste makes my breath fresh | | | | | | 3. | It gives me relief from toothache | | | | | | 4. | My toothpaste prevents germs from affecting my...
Words: 431 - Pages: 2
...1 Enchant Me 1.1 Delight me in surprising ways A beautiful surface, a carefully-placed animation, or a well-timed sound effect is a joy to experience. Subtle effects contribute to a feeling of effortlessness and a sense that a powerful force is at hand. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: It have a lovely looking animation at the start and inside animation and feedback with much visual effects. 1.2 Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus Allow people to directly touch and manipulate objects in your app. It reduces the cognitive effort needed to perform a task while making it more emotionally satisfying. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: The application have objects represented on google maps, the user can know how to go, navigate and get the address of the representative, also there are another objects like users. 1.3 Let me make it mine People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control. Provide sensible, beautiful defaults, but also consider fun, optional customizations that don't hinder primary tasks. Strongly agree Strongly disagree Why: it provides the customer with the ability to customize the app for example, it make him change the language and changes the whole style to be in Arabic and from right to left which gives a decent feel of control. On the other hand it provides the customer with the ability to customize the store as AVON Egypt idea is to link between representatives and customers, thus it enables...
Words: 1476 - Pages: 6
...institution. Respondents are asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each statement using 5 Likert scale [(1) = strongly disagree; (2) = disagree; (3) = neutral; (4) = agree and (5) = strongly agree] response framework. Please put an “X” to the BOX to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. No|Questions|Strongly Disagree|Disagree|Neutral|Agree|Strongly Agree| B1|Attitude|||||| A1|I feel at ease using e-learning provided by my institution.|||||| A2|I tend to feel convince and accept the e-learning system into my life style.|||||| A3|I feel convince that, e-learning will enhance my education skill.|||||| A4|I feel the e-learning system, attracts me to my institution.|||||| A5|I generally believe in the e-learning system as it makes learning less stressful.||||| | From the section C to section H ALSO HELP TO DETERMINE WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF E-LEARNING AS A TOOL. Section C: internet This section is seeking the how internet has become a strategic tool that influences students choice of tertiary institution . Respondents are asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each statement using 5 Likert scale [(1) = strongly disagree; (2) = disagree; (3) = neutral; (4) = agree and (5) = strongly agree] response...
Words: 1024 - Pages: 5
...Individual Score: ENFP National Score: N/A Agree or Disagree?: Agree This assessment delves into the various personality traits that include Introverted or Extroverted (I or E), Sensing or Intuitive (S or iN), and Perceiving or Judging (P or J). These traits are the combined into a series of 4 letters that describe one’s personality. There are sixteen combinations of personality types that can be formed from this assessment. When deciding if one is Introverted or Extraverted, it is important to understand the flow of energy which essentially “defines how we receive the essential part of our stimulation.” If one receives their flow of energy from themselves, then they can be classified as Introverted but if they rely on external sources then they are Extraverted. How we take in information deals with our preferred way of absorbing. Does one rely on their five senses to absorb information? Then this individual would be characterized as Sensing! If the individual relies solely on their instincts then they can be classified as Intuitive. The last two categories deal with how an individual makes decisions. If the individual is prone to making decisions based on logic and objective considerations then they are classified as Thinking but if they make decisions based on one’s personal value system then they are classified as Feeling (BSM Consulting, 2012). These six categories presented me with the classification of ENFP. I definitely agree with these results. According to the analysis...
Words: 1884 - Pages: 8
...4. Which of the Dell sub brands you are aware of d. Inspiron e. XPS f. Alienware g. Vostro 5. Have you ever bought a Dell product h. Yes i. No j. Planning to buy one soon 6. Dell produces the best quality of the computers k. Dell produces the best quality of computers i. Strongly agree ii. Somewhat agree iii. Neutral iv. Disagree v. Strongly Disagree 7. I like my Pc to be l. High end PC with better look & Finish and superior performance. m. Functional PC with normal features and look n feel 8. High end PC is the preferred Choice for me when I buy a PC for myself n. High end PC is the preferred Choice for me when I buy a PC for myself vi. Strongly agree vii. Somewhat agree viii. Neutral ix. Disagree x. Strongly Disagree 9. Functional PC is the preferred Choice for me when I buy a PC for myself o. Functional PC is the preferred Choice for me when I buy a PC for myself xi. Strongly agree xii. Somewhat agree xiii. Neutral xiv. Disagree xv. Strongly Disagree 10. If high end PC is the preferred choice which PC brand/ subbrand are you using now p. HP q. ACER r. LENOVO s. SONY t. Dell 11. If Functional PC is the preferred choice which PC brand/ subbrand are you using...
Words: 773 - Pages: 4
...things from me that are hard to combine Never 5 Seldom 4 Sometimes 3 Often 2 Always 1 10. I am subject to personal harassment in the form of unkind words or behaviour Never 5 Seldom 4 Sometimes 3 Often 2 Always 1 11. If work gets difficult, my colleagues will help me Never 1 Seldom 2 Sometimes 3 Often 4 Always 5 18. There is friction or anger between colleagues Never 5 Seldom 4 Sometimes 3 Often 2 Always 1 20. I understand how my work fits into the overall aim of the organisation Never 1 Seldom 2 Sometimes 3 Often 4 Always 5 Likert scale questions- 25. I can talk to my line manager about something that has upset or annoyed me about work Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 26. My working time can be flexible Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 27. My working location can be flexible (subject to business constraints) Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 28. My colleagues are willing to listen to my work-related problems Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 29. When changes are made at work, I am clear how they will work out in practice Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 30. I am supported through emotionally demanding work Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree...
Words: 278 - Pages: 2
...RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES STUDENT FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE: COURSE-WISE FOR PGPM/PGPM (COMBINATION) I SEMESTER STUDENTS SEPTEMBER 2011 BE110 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT SL.NO. | STATEMENT | RATE ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 6 WHERE 1=STRONGLY AGREE, 2=AGREE, 3=SOMEWHAT AGREE, 4=SOMEWHAT DISAGREE, 5=DISAGREE, 6=STRONGLY DISAGREE | 1 | The course content is interesting | | 2 | The course is well structured | | 3 | The content covered is at a suitable level | | 4 | The course has been intellectually challenging | | 5 | The text books and reference books prescribed for this course have been comprehensive and helpful | | 6 | The pace of delivery of the course has been satisfactory | | 7 | The text books and reference materials for this course have been easily available in the Library and/or the internet | | 8 | The lecturer has been clear and effective in articulating the content | | 9 | The relevance of each aspect of this course was made clear to me | | 10 | The lecturer has been enthusiastic about the subject and has encouraged/motivated discussions outside of the class | | 11 | The lecturer has demonstrated on more than one occasion the ability to integrate the content with other courses | | 12 | The lecturer has been adequately available for clarifications and feedback in and out of the class | | 13 | The assignments/quizzes/tests conducted by the lecturer have been helpful | | 14 | The lecturer has been prompt in announcing the...
Words: 2372 - Pages: 10
...Application for E-services For Individuals / Corporate Please fill all the details in CAPITAL LETTERS and in BLACK INK only. Photo Please paste colour stamp size photo here. Please do not use pins, staples or tape Branch Name: ________________________________Branch Code: __________Date_______________ CUSTOMER ID ACCOUNT NO I/We wish to apply for the following E-Services with your bank. I/We furnish the details of my/our account for which the facility shall be enabled. FACILITY / SERVICES REQUIRED ATM Card Debit Card Add on Card Alert (Mob / E-mail) Internet Banking Mobile Banking (M-pay) Mr./Ms/ ACCOUNT NAME : (IN THE ORDER OF FIRST, MIDDLE & LAST NAME) leave space between words. Messers Fill up the rows applicable to the facility requested 1. ATM/DEBIT CARD (Name to appear on the card) PHOTO CARD YES 2. ADD ON CARD DETAILS NO CUSTOMER ID ADD ON CARD : JOINT HOLDER YES NO NON CUSTOMER (Joint applicant Form to be attached) Mobile Number / E-mail ID Mobile Number / E-mail ID Mobile Number / E-mail ID ADD ON CARD (Name to appear on the card) 3. ALERT: ALERT: ALERT: SMS / SMS/ SMS/ E-mail ID E-mail ID E-mail ID Debit Customer ID Customer ID Customer ID SMS: TRANSACTION TYPE AUTHORISED USER NAME – 1 (For Alert) AUTHORISED USER NAME – 2 (For Alert) AUTHORISED USER NAME – 3 (For Alert) Credit Balance E-MAIL: TRANSACTION TYPE Debit Credit Balance 4. MOBILE BANKING – M-PAY (mobile number) HANDSET MAKE – MODEL (Eg: NOKIA -3110C) ...
Words: 2001 - Pages: 9
...UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH AIUB Trends and Comparison of Labor Wages in Different Industries Letter of Transmittal 22 March2014 To Dr. Rabbani, A.F.M Masum American International University – Bangladesh Dear Sir, First, I would like to thank you for approving this invaluable topic. I have the pleasure to submit my report titled on “Trends and Comparison of Labor Wages in Different Industries”. It was great opportunity for me to work on such a significant topic. I have used interview through structured questionnaire as my tools of finding out real fact. As a sample of the study, I took different industries in the Dhaka city. Conducting this research was a great learning experience for me. Through questionnaires and interviews, I have learned the fact that why labor wages are vary industry to industry. Once again I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to work on this realistic topic. I hope it will be helpful for my future career path. Yours Sincerely, Ahsan habib 13-96758-2 Preface I prepared this report with my patience and team spirit to know the fact that why labor wages are vary industry to industry. I put my concern here as this important issue of labor market and also for economy. During the last one and a half decades, growth in wages in Bangladesh has been unsatisfactory. The overall economic...
Words: 4943 - Pages: 20