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Analysis 1-1


Submitted By jspraley
Words 354
Pages 2
Problems Encountered in Higher Education and Career Goals

In this day in age, there are a number of different problems encountered on a daily basis that can hinder our education and career goals. Time management is the biggest challenge that I have with pursuing my higher education goals. Trying to balance work, family, and school at the same time can be a very daunting task. It can be very stressful trying to divide this time since most people want to essentially “clock out” at 5pm to have their family time when they are done with the day.
Second, discipline is another issue encountered. At times it is very difficult to dedicate yourself to sit down and read, write papers, or participate in forums. Most people prioritize other activities in their daily life rather than assigning value to these activities that are required by an online learning environment. Unfortunately, without a stringent classroom environment to complete these tasks, it requires elevated self-discipline. Last, communication and personal contact or the lack thereof may also be an area that requires additional discipline and troubleshooting. Normal or traditional educational settings consist of peer interaction, faculty support, and general tangibles. While these are still available more effort has to be exerted to achieve a similar atmosphere. It can be more difficult for some to learn without the ability to ask a question and get an answer immediately after asking. Adjustment to the online environment is essential to succeeding in the online education pursuit. Looking at these problems or road blocks, there are many solutions that could work. Time management and discipline more than likely have common solutions. Making a written schedule to block time so that I have a visual reminder would help me. Also challenging myself to finish my work early in the week so that I have personal

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Profile of Working Students and It' S Implication on Academic Standing

...gain again or worst you may never have it at all. So the time these are wasted for nothing, for sure the blame for this mistake will be felt truly. When looking at the profile of those students who are working and at the same time is studying, you would notice that they never dare wasting their time. For them, every second counts. Make an observation and you will find out that almost all of the working students are working too hard to finish their studies. For them, wasting their effort, time and money is such a big mistake. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objective of studying this matter is to know the profile of the working students and the implication on the class standing. Specifically, they need to answer these following questions: 1. What was the working students are going through while they are studying and at the same time working? 2. What are the statuses of the working students when it comes to their grades and their participation in class?...

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