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Analyze The Importance Of Working With 0-3 Year Olds

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There are three key areas that will form the analytic essay which will analyse the importance of working with 0-3 year olds. The importance of the Key person will be analysed, Boding and attachment and finally the Staffordshire University Graduate attributes.

The first topic that will be analysed is the Key person within an Early Years Setting. The Department for Education made it a statutory requirement that every single child much have a key person. DfE EYFS (2017) Every single child must be assigned a key person and this key person must help to ensure that the child’s learning is tailored to meet their needs, that they seek to engage and support parents or carers in guiding their child’s development and even sometimes the key person might help families to access more specialist support if appropriate. (DfE, 2017, p.10) Children of all ages depend upon adults for reassurance and comfort and this will eventually allow then to become independent themselves, the key person helps 0-3 year olds to settle into their new setting. Through the use of a Key person in early years’ settings a crucial bond is formed between the worker and child. …show more content…
(Elfer, Goldschmied and Selleck, p.18.) As mentioned above the Key Person’s Role as a nursery practitioner will be responsible for a small group of children. The key Person needs to demonstrate three characteristics such as availability, sensitivity and warmth. The Key Person will meet with the parents before a child is due to start in the early years

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