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Helen Larson: A Brief Biography

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Helen Larson popularity known as herrietta lacks was born on in Ronanke virgina. On august 1, 1920 she was among eight children. When her mom died, her father Johnny did not have the patient to raise the kids. Helen went to live with her grandfather Tommy Lacks, there she meet her cousin davide Lacks popularly known as Days she and days grew up together and both worked in the tobacco fields, after a while the had kids together, Loretta was a devoted hardworking wife and mother.
The challenges lorretta and her family faced. Part of the trials she and her household went through, the cancer treatment left her infertile, not able to have kids again. “ Told she could not have any more children says if she had been told so before she would not …show more content…
Even when henrietta knew that she was really sick she still believes that she will be fine. She stated that “ Ain’t nothing serious wrong” she said “ Doctor’s gonna fix me right up”. The lack’s where there for each other making sure to manage tgheir problem.
Heneritta visit to Hopkins hospital was supposed to be a regular one check up. At the hospital the did some pathology test on her, after her appointment in the hospital she came back home to her normal house activities cooking and cleaning for her family. Her next visit to the hospital was for a complain of an abnormal bleeding.
On Feb 5 1951 Jona called helen to tell her the result of the biopsy report.stating that it was malignant. Helen told her husband that she need to go back to the hospital for more test. As she got Hopkins hospital she went stridght to the reception to inform them that she was in for her treatment, before the treatment Heneritta signed a consent form, thereby allowing them to carryout any form of surgical operation on her. Later on Heneritta was lying unconscious on the operating table. Dr Lawrence Wharton Jr was the surgeon on duty to treat Heneritta, a tube was inserted into her and the pumped Radium into her which was used to treat her cervix cancer. After the treatment a nurse wheeled her back to the ward., and on her chart the Doctor wrote. “The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good …show more content…
On august 1951, Henrietta went back to the Hospital for her treatment, this time around she was able to stay for some couple of few days. This time she need transfusion, her body had become so contaminated with the toxin, which her body system has refuse to flush by September 0f 1951 her body has was almost taken over by tumor. “ at four o’ o’clock in the of September 24 1951 a doctor injected henrietta with a heavey does of morphine”. On her chart he wrote “ discountuine all medication and treatment except analgesic.” Later on Heneriatta woke up from the treatment terrified, disoriented wanting to know what the doctors had done to her, she turn to her sister Gladys that that she is going to die. At exactly 12;15 am on oct 4, 1951 Henritta

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