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Analyzing Counseling Theories


Submitted By BranBee
Words 266
Pages 2
Analyzing Counseling Theories
Student Name
Walden University Analyzing Counseling Theories
Part 1: Chart Theory 1: Name Theory 2: Name
Background Theory

• Use only bullet points; no sentences—delete this before beginning your one page chart. The boxes will expand to accommodate your points. •
Human Nature

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Major Constructs

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• • Chapter Author, Year Chapter Author, Year

Part 2: Reflection
I. Describe a specific population of clients with whom you hope to work in the future. Explain why you have chosen this population and what you hope to accomplish with this client base. (Note this point will remain the same on future papers, if you want to keep it. Please delete.)
II. Explain which one of the two theories in your chart would be the most effective in working with this client population and explain why.
III. Describe at least two interventions from your chosen theory you would suggest using and how these interventions would assist this client population in reaching counseling goals.

Finn, A. (2011). Jungian analytical theory. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 77- 94). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Haley, M. (2011). Gestalt therapy. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 167- 191). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Johnson, A. (2011). Psychoanalytic theory. Haley, M. (2011). Gestalt therapy. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 97- 76). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Note: Be sure to change your references to reflect those you have cited in the

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