Premium Essay

Android App Idea


Submitted By tahir123
Words 878
Pages 4


The world has now become a global village and people have become very busy. Most of the people want to complete most of the work using minimum effort. The use of mobile for availing services has increased dramatically. Tourism is one of the main areas where countries pay a lot of attention. Tourist are of great value to the country as they bring money to the country in addition to the branding of the country. Nottingham is one of the great cities of the world and many people want to get there for many reasons. Now since the tourist or other people that are not very well aware of the demographics of the city face many problems. They face issues in finding the popular restaurants, hospitals, public service offices and other similar issues. This may be hectic for the tourists and may have a bad image of the city in their mind. The directions of one place from another is also difficult to find and people may face problems. So keeping in mind the above discussed problems, I proposed a solution of a mobile based android application “Nottingham”.
The application is meant to help the tourist in finding their required details about Nottingham. Tourists can install the app and their account will be handled at a database. Considering the requirements of the user different details will be provided to the users. This app will be of great help to the tourists and if launched successfully in initial days, it can be developed into a good application for profits.

The application Nottingham is very helpful in dealing with the most prominent problems of the tourists. The main problems may include that a friend in the crew who came to Nottingham for a weekend party is deceased and is not feeling very well. Now they want to take him to a doctor but being new they don’t know where

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