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Submitted By salma11
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Pages 2

Anemia is a condition in which you don't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues. Having anemia may make you feel exhausted.
There are many forms of anemia, each with its own cause. Anemia can be temporary or long term, and it can range from mild to severe.
See your doctor if you suspect you have anemia, because anemia can be a sign of serious illnesses. Treatments for anemia range from taking supplements to undergoing medical procedures. You may be able to prevent some types of anemia by eating a healthy, varied diet.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the cause of your anemia, but may include: * Fatigue * Pale skin * A fast or irregular heartbeat * Shortness of breath * Chest pain * Dizziness * Cognitive problems * Cold hands and feet * Headache
Initially, anemia can be so mild it goes unnoticed. But signs and symptoms increase as anemia worsens.

Anemia occurs when your blood doesn't have enough red blood cells. This could result if: 1. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells 2. Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced 3. Your body destroys red blood cells

Risk factors 1. A diet lacking in certain vitamins. Choosing a diet that is consistently low in iron, vitamin B-12 and folate increases your risk of anemia. 2. Menstruation 3. Pregnancy 4. Chronic conditions. For example, if you have cancer, kidney or liver failure, or another chronic condition, you may be at risk of what's called anemia of chronic disease. 5. Family history 6. Other factors. A history of certain infections, blood diseases and autoimmune disorders, exposure to toxic chemicals, and the use of some medications can affect red blood cell production and lead to anemia.


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