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Social and Demographic


Submitted By chase81301
Words 369
Pages 2
Social and demographic
Business diversity theorizes that in a global marketplace an organization that employs a diversity workforce, is better able to understand the social and demographics of the marketplace it serves and is better equipped to be successful in the marketplace. The entire world is using items that are mobile and diverse, with this being said diversity is highly important in any workplace whether you are in the United States or in India. Hyundai Motor Company is one of the most well-known international brands in South Korea as well as the United States, with a leading position in the automobile market. Exploiting new product and market opportunities, we feel that launching and expanding our brand in India and Russia will add value to the organization because of the outstanding work ethics, strong commitment and the higher level of work performance in the Indian and Russian environment. Russian and Indian culture diversity add values to organization because of its strong belief that diversity strengthens organization and provides greater business opportunities, better performances, and greater market awareness and foster a culture of innovation and responsiveness to business.
The Russian culture focuses on people orientation, cooperation, sociability, empathy and great interpersonal relationships which are aimed toward pursuing a business strategy that is growth-oriented which is different than those who pursue business strategy that is stability-oriented. In Russia culture they placed emphasis on taking time to align employees and teams on diversity vision values which will contribute to increased performances. In the Russian culture, their performance is based on the values they believe in. Indian culture is committed to providing superior value and consistently high-quality service and meeting consumer needs through continued progress in variety and innovation. They place emphasis on self-monitoring empathy, strategy decision making, highly diversity, strong motivation and coaching skills, effective communication and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to adapt to a changing environment.
There are many cost associated with acquiring skills in a diverse organization in Russia and India to include, recruitment, training, educating, retraining and retaining employees. In both countries diversity inclusiveness involve education, awareness and training which bring about clarity and consistency to all employees within the organization.

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