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Angela And Ban Case Study

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During break or lunch, Angela has been always friend with all dental assistance, especially Ban. Angela and Ban were really good friends. They had graduated from Roosevelt Invest High School at the same time. However, Ban had always been the ‘’trouble maker’’ girl and Angela had always been the one to cover up her mess until one incident in the office complicated everything. As a dental assistant, Ban had always used to sanitize and clean dental instruments in Ultrasonic cleaner device. They use Ultrasonic cleaner because it uses sound waves that remove debris from instruments. Then, one day while Ban was putting her jewelry inside the device to clean it, Angela saw her. Angela was very shocked and Ban started to explain how the device cleans the jewelry so good and tells her to cover it up and to bring her own jewelry to,’’ let them …show more content…
She started to think the scenario in her head and how wrong was it. First of all, she thinks about her patients that can get hurt because of Ban’s behavior. On the other hand, she thinks about how her dentist might fire her friend Ban because of her behavior. Then, she thinks about RDH Code of Ethics for social trust that says,’’ We need to remember that the patients and general public trust us, and this trust is based on our actions and behaviors…’’ and Non-maleficence that says,’’ We must treat our patients in a way that minimizes harm to them.’’ After thinking it all, Angela starts to act by talking with Ban first. She told her that what she did is ethically wrong and she has to report it to the dentist, therefore, Ban apologizes and says that she will not do it again and will be responsible for any penalties. Finally, Angela goes to the dentist, Jason, and speaks out about what Ban had done and also explains how bad she feels about it. Then, she adds that she will report the problem to him and give him

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