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Animal Science Research Paper

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Animal science is one subject involved in agriculture that is very interesting and good to learn. Animal science can be easy to learn for many people since the science is somewhat simple like what you learn in jr. high, but instead of humans and other things, this science deals mostly with animals. An example of an easy concept to learn in Animal science is cellular respiration in cows, which is very similar to the cellular respiration you learn about in science class as a kid. Animals take in oxygen and sugar and convert it to carbon dioxide that is given off into the air. In turn, plants take in the carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which is then given off into the air and it creates glucose, which is stored within the plant. The glucose …show more content…
Tables have also been made for mixtures for cattle over 700 pounds. Animal Science also has studies that show what food you should give your animals and at what stages of production. There are also implants you can get for cattle which is also directly related with animal science. Scientists have even been made to show what chemical and dosage you should give, what animals that chemical and what dosage is approved for and for what stage of production, and the chart also will show how many days the implant is effective. Another subject discussed in the Animal Science community is the diseases that animals get. It is important to learn signs of disease in your cattle so you can try to prevent it as soon as possible, or at least keep it under control and from spreading. Among diseases that can affect your livestock most often are: Anthrax, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Bovine Virus Diarrhea, Brucellosis, Blackleg, Calf Enteritis, Footrot, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis(IBR, Red Nose, IPV), Johne’s disease(Paratuberculosis), Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, …show more content…
One way is low investment housing and pasture. Animal science has studies on what ratio of corn to protein supplement and prices on corn per bushel. Basically Animal Science is a broad subject of agriculture that can help in everyday agriculturalists lives who own livestock. For anyone who owns livestock, Animal science would be an excellent investment of their time to help them be more efficient, which will help them earn more money in the long run. For certain types of livestock owner’s, certain subjects can be focused on more than others, for example a sheep owner wouldn’t need to study everything from cows to sheep but can just focus on everything about sheep. Once they study what they are trying to do they can then apply it to their farms and ranches so that agriculture will be more efficient and agriculture will be changed for the better. If more people study the science of animals and agriculture in general then the world will continue to get better crops and work with better efficiency as time goes on. Also, people can help their families financial situation if they find out ways to be as efficient as possible to make a better

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