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Animal Testing Rhetorical Analysis

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Burgos B. Javier. “Animal Experimentation Is Unscientific”. At Issue: Animal Experimentation. Ed. David M. Haugen. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000. 51-54. Print. Javier Burgos is the president of The Nature of Wellness and graduate of Barcelona University. The Nature of Wellness is an organization that informs the public about both medical and scientific flaws in animal testing. Throughout this article he informs the reader of the faults in the tests that scientist conduct on animals.
This article will aide me in proving my premise that animal testing often produces invalid results. When the other states, “The pseudo-scientific belief that human medicine can be based on veterinary medicine has led the biomedical establishment to engage in …show more content…
Many of scientists began testing animals in hopes of finding cures for the Childhood Vaccination Series (hepatitis b, tetanus, polio, measles, chickenpox, influenza etc.). The author is providing information on the origins of animal testing when she states, “Early researchers were often inhumane, in part because: 1. Early scientists knew little about animal nervous systems, and many believed nonhuman animals were incapable of feeling pain. 2. Judeo-Christian religions taught that god had given people “dominion” over animals. 3. Anesthetics were not available before the mid-1800s” …show more content…
An example would be a test that used chick eggs to test for eye irritancy, which was previously conducted on rabbit eyes. Scientist also use donations of human corneas and cow cornea’s to conduct these tests.s Paris E. Susan. “The Animal Rights Movement Slows Medical progress”. At Issue: Animal Experimentation. Ed. David M. Haugen. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000.24-27. Print.
Susan Paris is a former president of Americans for Medical Progress Education Foundation. This is a non-profit foundation that informs media, the people, and law makers about current biomedical research. Based upon her knowledge and experience with biomedical research she is a valid source to speak upon medical progression. Throughout his article the author argues that animal rights slow down the progression of medical research.
I am going to use this article to help build the middle ground between my view and the opposition. When the author states, “There is one threat that has slipped through a loophole in the public consciousness. It is a threat that has the potential to slow medical progress to a tedious crawl, delaying sometimes stopping the search for cures and treatment” (24), she is showing a possible opposition someone might

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