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Animal Welfare Act Case Study

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The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966. Just one year after Joseph Resnick proposed the bill following the death of Pepper, a dalmation that had been stolen from her family and sold to a New York hospital where she had been used in an experiment that took her life. Following Resnick’s proposal, Life magazine published a photo essay illustrating the horrors of animal dealerships that sell animals for scientific research. Once the public was exposed to the photo essay, there was a flood of support for Resnick’s bill. Resnick’s bill commanded that dealers are to be licensed and inspected through the U.S Department of Agriculture and that all laboratories should acquire their animals only from licensed dealers. Resnick looked to the …show more content…
Additionally, the law has required that facilities are licensed and registered and meet the standards of the AWA, where they are subject to multiple unannounced inspections. AWA has created minimum care standards for facilities such as adequate housing, sanitation, nutrition, water, veterinary care, handling, and protection from extreme weather. Furthermore, the law has required that researchers consider alternative non-animal methods when obtaining research rather than using animals in harmful and painful experiments. When Joseph Resnick was fighting for this law to be established, he stated, “We are interested in curbing petnapping, catnapping, dognapping, and protecting animals destined for research laboratories, while they are in commerce.” Originally, the Animal Welfare Act sought to address the growing concern for cats and dogs used in research. Today, AWA has broadened its protections to certain warm-blooded animals used for laboratory research as well as animals who are owned by exhibitors, suppliers, and transporters. In other words, this law applies to facilities that breed animals for commercial use, facilities that use animals for research, organizations that transport animals commercially, and facilities that publicly exhibit animals (zoos, aquariums, circuses, …show more content…
On April 28, 1966, the bill was sent to the house where the committee of agriculture and the committee of conference considered and passed the bill. On June 22, the bill was also sent to the senate where the committee of conference amended and passed the bill. By August 17, both the senate and the house agreed to conference report where the bill was reviewed and revised. On August 24 of 1966, democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Animal Welfare Act into

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