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Throwing Away Old Reminders Research Paper

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Smoking is undoubtedly one of the most difficult habits to break. Many people start smoking when they are teenagers and can't seem to give it up even in their old age. Even though the deadly risks such as lung cancer, peripheral vascular disease, heart disease, heart attack, cerebrovascular disease and strokes are closely associated with smoking, many people still struggle to beat it. When an individual is in the fight of their life to quit smoking, there are certain triggers that are important to really avoid. Consider these triggers.

1. Throw away any reminders (ashtray, lighters, any unused tobacco in your house).
Throwing away old reminders is important so that you don't relapse by into the smoking habit again. The mind is incredibly powerful. Just seeing the classic lighter you used to use might trigger an emotional response to find something to light again. Throw the unused tobacco down the toilet so that it's impossible to access it again. Throwing away old reminders helps to make the decision final with no turning back. …show more content…
High-stress situations which may break your will
There are many times when people are in high-stress situations and opt to take a quick smoke outside. This breaks up their inner tension and helps to calm down their nerves. It is important to maintain healthy environments that are stress-free. In the cases where stress-free environments are almost impossible to cultivate (work, cantankerous children at home, etc.), find different rituals to destress. For example, going for a jog, practicing some yoga poses, or even doing some breathing techniques in the cubicle at work can help refocus the mind and help release

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