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Client Observation

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This interview was between the client, TP and I. This visit was the 1st visit I conducting when seeing my client for the week for our weekly visits. My coworker also accompanied me during this visit. The weekly visit that is recorded above shows that the client has huge concern for her daughter and herself. The client wants to work on the goals stated above that will give her a better future. TP is a mother who is doing what need to be done to better herself for her daughter. I handled the visit with my client to the best of my ability. I was able to discuss with the client what I had planned on doing when at the visit. When I addressed how the client sounded sad on the phone on when I previously called her, my client explained the reason that her …show more content…
The client responed to me by answering the question I needed to ask her in relation to her Care Plan. We both helped each other for form the Care Plan on the goals the client wanted to work on, and achieve. The client and I were attentive and gave each other the opportunity to speak when needed. The client was also in a calming mood during the visit. The objective was achieved when conducting my weekly visit with my client, TP. I was able to discuss with TP when help the client with what goals she wants to work on to be written on a Care Plan. The objective was achieved on what I was aiming for during the visit with the client and I. As recommended to visit the client each week, it helps to continuously develop rapport with my client. The more I see my client, the better a relationship I can obtain to have the client, TP to feel comfortable with me. I was also able to discuss with TP her goals that were discussed and to be worked on each week. The focus for the future is to continue on seeing TP on a weekly basis. It is important to work with TP each week, and when needed with her goals, health related, build rapport each week, and any other issues that is of

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