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Apple and Samsung


Submitted By tonymungo
Words 611
Pages 3
Tony Mungo
Marketing 301
Professor Michael P. Loizides

Apple and Samsung: Some Phones are Smarter Than Others

“Apple and Samsung: Some Phones are Smarter Than Others” discusses the profits of major companies such as Apple and Samsung as well as HTC. Initially, Apple lead the pack in sales of smartphones due to its advanced technology. However, other companies such as HTC and Samsung have caught up with Apple’s technology and sales (Wrinkler and Beck, 2013).
The article reports Samsung’s stocks increased sixty percent from the end of 2010 through early 2013, and its global smartphone market has tripled though sales from the new Galaxy S4 phone, is not expected to make a big impact based on current findings (Wrinkler and Beck, 2013).
HTC’s stock peaked in early 2011 but due to still competition from Samsun its profit margins have been cut and stock reportedly have fallen eighty percent since peaking in 2011. Since technology changes often-- one company, Motorola, reportedly plans on driving down the prices of their smart phones. Motorola’s chief executive officer stated that “there is no good reason anyone should make big margins on smartphones.” However, other companies sell their Androids at near cost, and make money on accessories. This can be a detriment to other companies as they will have to revamp their strategies and pricing (Wrinkler and Beck, 2013).
Tony Mungo
Marketing 301
Professor Michael P. Loizides
Reading assignment critique
The purpose of this article is to compare Apple and Samsung smart phones. I think the article focuses more on how well each company is placing on the stock market other than truly comparing the qualities of each phone. When national and private brands battle, retailers usually have the advantage (Armstrong & Kotler, 2013,p.268). The retailer can get the product for a cheaper price, and most of the time the

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