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Appointment of Company Secretary


Submitted By odwongjacob
Words 581
Pages 3
Appointment of company secretary in company, Section 187(1) Appointment of secretary
People that are sole directors cannot be secretary and these people must be registered under section 201 of the said Act. This law seems to be applicable all over Abott, Pendlebury and Wardman (2004), quotes of S.283 which states that every company must have secretary, but a sole director cannot also be the secretary. It is usual for the secretary to be appointed by the directors on such terms as they think fit. The directors may also remove the secretary.

The rules relate to the appointment include the following: the secretary to get appointment should have already holds office as secretary, assistant secretary or deputy secretary of the company; or for at least three out of the five years immediately preceding his appointment held office as secretary of a public company; or is a barrister, advocate or solicitor; or is a member of any of the following bodies: the Institute of Chartered Accountants; the Association of Certified Accountants; the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators; the Chartered Institute of Cost and Management Accountants; the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy; or is a person who, by virtue of having held any other position or being a member of any other body, appear to the directors to be capable of discharging the functions of secretary.
The duties of company secretary include the following: ensuring that the company’s documentation is in order, that the requisite returns are made to the companies Registry, and that the company’s registers are maintained; taking minutes of meetings; sending notices to members; and countersigning documents.

Powers of company secretary, the secretary is the chief administrative officer of the company and no matters of administration he has ostensible authority to make contracts on behalf of the company. Such contracts include: hiring office staff; contracts for the purchase of office equipment; and hiring cars for business purposes.
In PANORAMA DEVELOPMENTS v FIDELIS FURNISHING FABRICS (1971) the secretary of the defendant company entered into a number of contracts for the hire of cars. The cars were ostensibly to be used to collect important customers from Heathrow Airport, but in fact the secretary used them for his own private purposes. The court of Appeal held that the defendant company was liable. Lord Denning M.R. said.
“A company secretary is an officer of the company with extensive duties and responsibilities. He is certainly entitled to sign contracts connected with the administrative side of a company’s affairs, such as employing staff, and ordering cars and so forth”.

Although a secretary has “extensive duties and responsibilities” there are a number of decisions where it has been held that he does not have authority for particular acts. Thus he may not: bind the company on a trading contract; borrow money on behalf of the company; issue a writ or lodge a defense in the company’s name; register a transfer of shares; strike a name off the register of members; summon a general meeting on his own authority.

In Uganda context under Company Act is to act in good faith in the interests of the company; not to act for any collateral purpose; to avoid conflicts of interest; not to make secret profits from dealings for or on behalf of the company. Register members, directors, managers. Register share holdings, debentures and charges on the company. Submission of annual returns, change in Particulars with the registrar of companies.

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