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Are Tattoos Wrong

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Question: “Are tattoos wrong according to the Bible?”
There is a verse in the Old Testament, which has been used to teach that God condemns tattoos. Moses wrote, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19: 28) However, this chapter also contains instructions concerning offering animal sacrifices, forbidding the sowing two types of seed in the same field, not wearing a garment with two kinds of fabrics, not eating fruit from trees less than three years old, how a man’s hair was to be cut and his beard trimmed.
First, one should avoid using Old Testament scripture to justify what may or may not be practiced in the Christian age, because the Old Covenant was abolished by the death …show more content…
There is evidence of a practice, in those days, which involved tattooing the names or symbols of “gods” on their bodies. Perhaps, this is the specific practice that Moses condemned.
There is no specific mention of tattooing, as it is known today, in the New Testament; therefore, one should be guided by Christian principles that involve taste and judgment, to some extent. However, any practice, which is a distraction to one’s Christian influence, is to be avoided.
A Christian man must use proper judgment in selecting the style of clothes he wears; his jewelry and how it is worn, and his hairstyle. Also, a Christian woman will choose carefully her clothing and jewelry; her hairstyle and the make-up she wears.
Practices that are distasteful to one do not necessarily render them sin for another; however, the Christian should strive to avoid giving opportunity to the adversary (I Timothy 5: 14), and he should refrain from becoming a stumbling block to weaker Christians by make reasonable adjustments in his life style; nevertheless, a Christian’s personal privacy and the right of choice must be respected in the areas of judgment. (I Tim. 4:

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