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How Can Tattoos Be Allowed In The Workplace

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The Article Tattoos in the Workplace: How Appearance Policies Affect Healthcare Jobs, is stating the while tattoos become more widely accepted, it is also true that not every employer welcomes their presence. Tattoos are a form of personal expression that is not protected under the First Amendment. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an employer can establish a dress code and appearance policies if they don’t discriminate against a person based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. In the healthcare field, facial tattoos along with offensive tattoos that are visible, are often forbidden, even if the hospital has no official policy regarding the subject. Most organization worry about protecting their professional image first. The two main reasons why doctors, …show more content…
For one, what does it matter if you have tattoos are not? The tattoos are not hurting anybody so, why make a big commotion about it? Tattoos are simply a form of personal expression. Judging someone simply because of their tattoos is wrong. They could be best surgeon in the world but because they have tattoos you associate them with a certain trend. Then someone without tattoos you give the up highly most respect but then they could be terrible at their job. So, you just gave up your chances of have a phenomenon surgery to having one that’s terrible and will having you hurting for longer and possibly leave scars all because of your misinterpreted judgements. As James 1: 19 says be slow to speak and swift to hear. If you listen you might learn something. Never judge a book by its cover. But on the other side I think tattoos shouldn’t be allowed in the medical workplace if they are disturbing images such as a devil. A lot of people would refuse work from an employee if they have a disturbing image that goes against their views or a tattoo that is just plain out

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