Free Essay

Articifial Intelligence


Submitted By rocko
Words 515
Pages 3
Jhonatan Robayo
English 21
January 19, 2016

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software created by humans. It is the machine ability to do the same functions as a human thinking. It started in 1956 as philosophical and human reasoning study. Until now a lot of scientists have created robots, that can imitate human acts but it is still a long way to develop real artificial intelligence. When researchers could get to that point, our society is going to face a new paradigm, because we wouldn’t notice the difference between a real human and a humanoid, this statement get us to question us if artificial intelligence is good for the society or not.

We have to think that when machineries achieve human mental capacity, those machineries will have characteristics as such learning, adaptation, auto correction, reasoning and implicit improvement. So those high tech artifacts will be able to create and improve our society but also to destroy it because they are going to think like human being. We would have a risk that humanoids take control of the world and replace real humans in any labor like constructions, design, investigation, any job; any task that human being can do now they would do it.

Different movies had tried to recreate a possible future when artificial intelligence would be developed. Those movies show us how the life will be with a machineries helping us doing our labors day after day. For example the movie Bicentennial man based on the novel The Positronic Man show us how a “robot” could fit in a human world, the “robot” was able to thing in better way than a human being, and his acts were more ethical than human developing deep good feelings. In another hand we have the movie I, Robot that was released in 2004, this movie presented an argument where the humanoids were helping people to do differents jobs but, they were trying to control everything in the world. So we have to examples that how could be our future with the artificial intelligence. What it will be the pros and cons.

Machineries with the ability to think and act as a human being could bring to the society a lot of benefits. “Robots” could do tasks that humans don’t like to do it, or make their life easier, such as cleaning home, take the trash out, helping sick people, take the dog for a walk, and more complicates tasks like scientist searching, and developing or creating more technology. If “robots” could make those tasks, the humans could concentrate in more important things and enjoy their life with a less preoccupations.

The artificial intelligence is one of the investigation fields, where scientists have more expectative, because in order to develop this technology they have understand how human intelligence works, and this would be a big step for human researches. We have just hypothesis that what it could happen when the scientists develop this technology, but we have to think all the benefits and the risks that this technology could have.

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